Skoll Foundationযাচাইকৃত অ্যাকাউন্ট


Driving large-scale change by investing in, connecting, & celebrating social entrepreneurs & innovators dedicated to solving the world’s most pressing problems

Palo Alto
যোগদান করেছেন মে ২০০৯


আপনি @SkollFoundation-কে ব্লক করেছেন

আপনি কি এই টুইটগুলি দেখতে চাওয়ার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? টুইটগুলি দেখা হলে @SkollFoundation অবরোধ মুক্ত হবে না।

  1. পিন করা টুইট
    ২ মার্চ

    Advance registration for the 2021 Skoll World Forum is now available. This is a great time to sign up for the Forum as a platform for learning, sharing and advancing social change. Registration is free:

  2. ২ ঘন্টা আগে

    Women farmers protesting new agriculture regulations in India have done everything from leading tractor rallies to creating rally songs. Meet the women who are sustaining the movement.

  3. ৬ ঘন্টা আগে

    Did you register for the webinar? Join leading investors, policymakers and healthcare providers in finding solutions to increase the medical oxygen supply in sub-Saharan Africa. Our CEO looks forward to seeing you. Register here:

  4. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    We are heartbroken at the terrorism against our Asian-American family. This is hate, racism & white supremacy in action. To learn more about protecting the civil + human rights of Asian Americans in GA, follow & support our grantee partner ...

  5. ২০ মার্চ

    Join March 11th at 11am EST for a discussion on ways investors, policymakers and healthcare providers can help increase the medical oxygen supply in sub-Saharan Africa. Our CEO will lead off talks. Register here:

  6. ২০ মার্চ

    ICYMI: Our own sat down w/Shaka King, and Anikah McLaren at to talk about the 's Oscar-nominated and advancing racial equity.

  7. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    We will not tolerate any form of racism and must work together to dismantle white supremacy and hate. We stand with our Asian relatives, especially with Asian women who have been the targets of this wave of violence. Our prayers for healing, protection and justice are with you.

    এই থ্রেডটি দেখান
  8. ১৯ মার্চ

    Philanthropy is leaving millions behind in rural, underserved communities that are less likely to apply for funding and less likely to have the resources to adequately address inequities. Here's how nonprofits can close the gap:

  9. ১৯ মার্চ

    Funders looking for “unicorns” in the nonprofit world should reconsider their goals. & CEOs & explain that nonprofits succeed by shaping existing systems instead of working or expanding alone.

  10. ১৯ মার্চ

    "What we do have in our favor is youth & creativity with young populations that are hungry for innovation," says Prof. Wendy Stevens () when discussing how Africa's growing population can advance testing technology. Watch via :

  11. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৮ মার্চ

    The Foundation stands in solidarity with our network & amplify the call to action from Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy () & Native Americans in Philanthropy () for our sector to use the power of our voice and funds to stop anti-Asian violence.

  12. ১৮ মার্চ

    We condemn all acts of hate-based and anti-Asian violence, and we commit ourselves to continuing to fight for equity and belonging.

  13. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৮ মার্চ

    I’d like to congratulate our friends at on their for and . is the first Best Picture nominee with all Black producers while Collective is Romania’s first Best International Feature Film nominee.

  14. ১৮ মার্চ

    ICYMI: Our CEO sat down with for to discuss the unique power of social entrepreneurship in advancing equity. Watch the Philanthropy Week chat and help with the mission of :

  15. ১৮ মার্চ

    Weak health systems & low access to electricity have made Indigenous communities in the Amazon particularly vulnerable in the pandemic. + are building up resilience with solar energy systems.

  16. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    “...wanting to have more impact...I’m ready now to think about systems change, apply my experience in this space and see how we can make change from a completely philanthropic lens" -- . Names President & COO:

  17. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    And we couldn't be more honored or more excited to embark on our next chapter together & get to work!!

  18. ১৭ মার্চ

    Politics affects the way public health responses & infrastructure are crafted, explained virologist Celestina Obiekea () in a recent chat w/. Governments must make health care more equitable during the pandemic & beyond.

  19. ১৭ মার্চ

    Nearly six years ago, launched its HIV initiative in Namibia. Since then, the telementoring project has helped train dozens of nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare workers who treat patients in rural and underserved communities.

  20. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    The has brought solar energy to over 5,500 rural and in some of the Amazon’s most remote areas. ☀ We partnered together to install more than 1,200 systems, a crucial resource during the pandemic. 🌎

  21. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৭ মার্চ

    We stand with our community in the wake of this tragedy especially for the victim’s families. While we don’t know if the shootings were racially motivated, we do know the impact is devastating


লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার তার ক্ষমতার বাইরে চলে গেছে বা কোনো সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়েছে আবার চেষ্টা করুন বা আরও তথ্যের জন্য টুইটারের স্থিতি দেখুন।

    আপনিও পছন্দ করতে পারেন
