


    Starting July 1, 2019, seven new laws will take effect in Virginia. All seven are more fair, favorable and friendly to tenants. They all were passed as a response to the high rate of evictions in Virginia, which are more than two times the national average. In many cities in Virginia, evictions are more than four times the national average. The following pdf provides the seven new laws in more detail. Read More

    Central Virginia Legal Aid Society -Richmond Branch
  • Consumer advisory: Your benefits are protected from garnishment

    Older Americans, like many of their younger counterparts, increasingly have debts in collection. Over one-third of the complaints that older consumers submit to us are related to debt collection. In some of these complaints, consumers told us that debt collectors threatened to garnish their benefits from Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and VA benefits, even though these funds usually can’t be garnished. Content Detail

    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013

    The 2009 Recovery Act’s temporary boost to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end on November 1, 2013. Content Detail

    Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Virginia’s Early Lease Termination Law for Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims

    Virginia’s new early lease termination law provides certain victims of family abuse, sexual abuse and sexual assault the right to terminate their residential leases. Content Detail

    Virginia Poverty Law Center
  • Affordable Care Act Scam

    Scammers are calling consumers and asking them to provide personal information in order to receive a (nonexistent) national medical card from the government. Providing personal information over the phone can have very serious and damaging consequences. Content Detail

    Federal Trade Commission
  • The State of Legal Aid

    Legal aid offices across the country are being decimated by funding cuts. Host Dick Gordon of "The Story" speaks to a man making do with increased pressures and less money. John Whitfield runs a legal aid service in Virginia - and he says he's having to turn people away. Content Detail

    American Public Media
  • Food Assistance Schedule Will Change in September and October

    Virginians who depend on SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) to buy food will have a change coming in the fall. The change will cause a temporary delay in benefits for some recipients and will require a community response to keep families fed. Content Detail

    Virginia Poverty Law Center
  • Health Coverage for Children and Pregnant Women Who are Legal Immigrants

    The 2012 Virginia Legislature expanded Medicaid and FAMIS health insurance to cover immigrants who: Are children (under age 19) and pregnant women; Legally reside in the United States; Are residents of Virginia; Meet other financial and non-financial requirements for Medicaid / FAMIS; and have lived in the U.S. for less than 5 years. Content Detail

    Virginia Poverty Law Center
  • New Protection for Virginians with Serious Medical Conditions

    Virginia utility customers who have a serious medical condition, or who share a household with a family member with a serious medical condition, now can get a reprieve from cutoffs when they cannot pay their water or electricity bills on time. Content Detail

    Virginia Poverty Law Center
  • National Mortgage Settlement: What You Need to Know

    It will take six to nine months for administrators of the National Mortgage Settlement to start contacting claimants and distributing benefits. In the meantime, scammers are trying to make money by falsely claiming to have an inside track to mortgage relief. Ignore the scammers and educate yourself about what to expect. Content Detail

    Virginia Poverty Law Center