Journal Indexing and Metrics

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Impact Metrics

The following citation metrics are produced by abstracting and indexing databases using their respective datasets. These metrics represent a variety of methods for measuring the citation impact of published research on a journal level.

2 year impact factor


Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SCIE) 136 out of 204

Total citations made in the JCR year to content published in a journal in the prior two years are divided by the number of articles and reviews published by the journal in the prior two years.

5 year impact factor


Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SCIE) 131 out of 204

Total citations made in the JCR year to content published in a journal in the prior five years are divided by the number of articles and reviews published by the journal in the prior five years.

Immediacy index


Total citations made in the JCR year to content published in a journal in the same year are divided by the number of articles and reviews published in the JCR year.

Eigenfactor® Score


The Eigenfactor Score is weighted such that citations from highly cited publications will have more impact than citations from lesser cited publications. The resulting scores are scaled so that the sum of the Eigenfactor Scores of all journals listed in Clarivate's Journal Citation Reports® is 100.

Article Influence Score


The Article Influence Score is calculated by dividing the Eigenfactor Score by the number of articles published in the journal over a five year period, and normalizing the scores against the volume of articles published by other JCR journals over a five year period such that the average score is 1.

Cited Half Life


The Cited Half Life measures the median age of articles in a journal that were cited in the JCR year.

Citing Half Life


The Citing Half Life measures the median age of the articles that were cited by the journal in the JCR year.

Total Citations


Total citations to the journal in the JCR year.



Scopus provides the journal’s CiteScore, which is calculated as the total citations made in the CiteScore year and the prior three years to content published in the CiteScore year and the prior three years, divided by the total number of items published by the journal in the CiteScore year and prior three years.

Source-normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)


SNIP calculates a journal’s average citations from the SNIP year to items published in the prior three years, and divides the average by the citation potential in the journal’s subject area to account for variability between subject categories.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)


The SJR weighs incoming citations according to the prestige of the publications they come from. Total, weighted citations made in the SCImago year to content published in a journal in the prior three years are divided by the total number of items published by the journal in the prior three years.



Google’s h5-index is calculated by finding the h-index for articles in a publication over the last five complete calendar years, where h is equal to the number of articles over a five year period that have at least h citations each.



The h5-median is calculated by finding the median number of citations for the articles that comprise a publication’s h5-index.

Sources: Journal Citation Reports (Source Clarivate, 2021), Scopus®, 2020 release and Google Scholar.


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Full Text Usage


Full text usage is the sum of PDF and HTML downloads from the journal platform during the prior calendar year.

Abstracting and Indexing

This journal is included in the following abstracting and indexing databases.

Peer Review and Production

Where available, average peer review decision speed and production speed are listed below. Please note: time to first decision includes all original submissions (planning research, planning education, commentary) in calendar days (avg.) and time from acceptance to online publication is in business days.

Time to first decision


Time to first decision is defined as time from submission to first decision for all original submissions decided within the prior calendar year. Revisions are not included.

Time from acceptance to online publication


Time to online publication is the average number of days a manuscript spends in SAGE Production, beginning when the manuscript is exported from peer review and ending when the manuscript is published OnlineFirst.

Acceptance Ratio


Acceptance rate is based on manuscripts that have received final decisions of accept or reject (does not count revisions) in the prior calendar year. Counts for acceptances, rejections, and acceptance ratios are based on the date the decision is made, not the date the manuscript was submitted.