Growth and development

More Growth and development

Physical development

Developmental milestones: crawling

Crawling is probably the first way your baby will get moving. She may start by shuffling around on her tummy (known as the commando crawl). Find out how your baby learns to move!

Baby developmental milestones chart: 1 to 6 months

Baby developmental milestones chart: 7 to 12 months

Developmental milestones: rolling over

Developmental milestones: sitting

See all in Physical development

Your baby's development month by month

Baby development: your newborn

Your newborn is rapidly adjusting to his new surroundings. Find out if your baby is growing normally and what you can do to give his development a gentle boost.

Baby development: your 1 month old

Baby development: your 2 month old

Milestones of your baby’s first year: photos

A second a day: baby's first year (video)

See all in Your baby's development month by month

Your baby's senses

Can I help my baby’s senses develop through play?

Everyday activities such as playtime, nappy changing and feeding are a great opportunity to develop your baby’s sense of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste.

Developmental milestones: sight

Developmental milestones: hearing

Why does my baby put everything in her mouth?

My husband and I have short-sightedness (myopia), will my child also need glasses?

See all in Your baby's senses

Social and emotional development

My baby doesn't smile yet. What's wrong?

Developmental milestones: socialisation

Developmental milestones: separation and independence

From TV to toys: what makes girls into girls and boys into boys

How to help your child grow up happy

See all in Social and emotional development

Learning and communication

Inside a child's mind: a visual guide

Baby signing: teaching your baby to sign

Developmental milestones: talking 0-12 months

How your baby learns new things

Reading to your baby: when to start and how to do it

See all in Learning and communication

Your baby's growth

Baby growth spurts

Wondering if your baby is having a growth spurt? Find out the top signs of growth spurts, how long they last, and what you can do to help your baby through them.

Baby boys' growth chart: 0 to 12 months

Baby girls' growth chart: 0 to 12 months

When will my premature baby catch up on development?

Growth charts: understanding the results

See all in Your baby's growth

Your child's timeline: when milestones happen

Your child's walking timeline

Want to know when your baby will take his first steps? From crawling and bottom shuffling to solo steps, here's our guide.

Your child's sleep and naps timeline

Your child's teething timeline

Your child's talking timeline

Your child's feeding timeline

See all in Your child's timeline: when milestones happen

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