GitHub Additional Product Terms

In this article

Version Effective Date: February 22, 2021

When you create an Account, you're given access to lots of different features and products that are all a part of the Service. Because many of these features and products offer different functionality, they may require additional terms and conditions specific to that feature or product. Below, we've listed those features and products, along with the corresponding additional terms that apply to your use of them.

Your use of the Service is subject to your applicable terms (the "Agreement"). By using additional products and features, you also agree to these Additional Product Terms. Any violation of the Additional Product Terms is a violation of the Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined in the Additional Product Terms will have the meaning given to them in the Agreement.

If you are using GitHub AE, then you may only access the following features and products: Third Party Integrations, Git LFS Support, Pages.

1. Marketplace

If you list a Developer Product through GitHub Marketplace, then you must agree to the GitHub Marketplace Developer Agreement, prior to submitting the project to be listed.

If you buy Developer Products through GitHub Marketplace, the GitHub Marketplace Terms of Service controls your purchase. The Agreement, as well as the GitHub Marketplace Terms of Service, will govern your use of GitHub Marketplace.

2. Third Party Integrations

a. Creating Applications

If you create a third-party application or other developer product that collects User Personal Information or User-Generated Content and integrates with the Service through GitHub's API, OAuth mechanism, or otherwise ("Developer Product"), and make it available for other Users, then you must comply with the following requirements:

  • You must comply with this Agreement and the GitHub Privacy Statement.
  • Except as otherwise permitted, such as by law or by a license, you must limit your usage of the User Personal Information or User-Generated Content you collect to that purpose for which the User has authorized its collection.
  • You must take all reasonable security measures appropriate to the risks, such as against accidental or unlawful destruction, or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, presented by processing the User Personal Information or User-Generated Content.
  • You must not hold yourself out as collecting any User Personal Information or User-Generated Content on GitHub’s behalf, and provide sufficient notice of your privacy practices to the User, such as by posting a privacy policy.
  • You must provide Users with a method of deleting any User Personal Information or User-Generated Content you have collected through GitHub after it is no longer needed for the limited and specified purposes for which the User authorized its collection, except where retention is required by law or otherwise permitted, such as through a license.

b. Using Third-Party Applications

You may grant a Developer Product authorization to use, access, and disclose the contents of your repositories, including your private repositories. Some Developer Products are available through GitHub Marketplace. Some Developer Products can be used for performing automated tasks, and often times multiple Users may direct the actions of a Developer Product. However, if you purchase and/or set up a Developer Product on your Account, or you are an owner of an Account with an integrated Developer Product, then you will be responsible for the Developer Product's actions that are performed on or through your Account. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information about how we share data with Developer Products.

GitHub makes no warranties of any kind in relation to Developer Products and is not liable for disclosures to third parties that you authorize to access Your Content. Your use of any third-party applications is at your sole risk.

3. Git LFS Support

If you enable Git Large File Storage ("Git LFS") on your Account, you'll be able to fetch, modify, and push large files just as you would expect with any file that Git manages. Your Account comes with a certain amount of bandwidth and storage for use with Git LFS, which can be found in the Git LFS documentation. Git LFS bandwidth and storage usage is displayed within your account settings. If you want to use Git LFS beyond your allotted bandwidth and storage, then you may purchase additional data packs.

4. Pages

Each Account comes with access to the GitHub Pages static hosting service. This hosting service is intended to host static web pages for All Users, but primarily as a showcase for personal and organizational projects.

GitHub Pages is not intended for or allowed to be used as a free web hosting service to run your online business, e-commerce site, or any other website that is primarily directed at either facilitating commercial transactions or providing commercial software as a service (SaaS). Some monetization efforts are permitted on Pages, such as donation buttons and crowdfunding links.

a. Bandwidth and Usage Limits

GitHub Pages are subject to some specific bandwidth and usage limits, and may not be appropriate for some high-bandwidth uses. Please see our GitHub Pages guidelines for more information.

b. Prohibited Uses

Prohibited uses of GitHub Pages include

  • Content or activity that is illegal or otherwise prohibited by our Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policies or Community Guidelines
  • Violent or threatening content or activity
  • Excessive automated bulk activity (for example, spamming)
  • Activity that compromises GitHub users or GitHub services
  • Get-rich-quick schemes
  • Sexually obscene content
  • Content that misrepresents your identity or site purpose

If you have questions about whether your use or intended use falls into these categories, please contact GitHub Support or GitHub Premium Support. GitHub reserves the right at all times to reclaim any GitHub subdomain without liability.

5. Actions and Packages

a. Actions Usage

GitHub Actions is billed on a usage basis. The Actions documentation includes details, including compute and storage quantities (depending on your Account plan), and how to monitor your Actions minutes usage and set usage limits.

Actions and any elements of the Actions service may not be used in violation of the Agreement, the GitHub Acceptable Use Polices, or the GitHub Actions service limitations set forth in the Actions documentation. Additionally, Actions should not be used for:

  • cryptomining;
  • using our servers to disrupt, or to gain or to attempt to gain unauthorized access to, any service, device, data, account, or network (other than those authorized by the GitHub Bug Bounty program);
  • the provision of a stand-alone or integrated application or service offering Actions or any elements of Actions for commercial purposes;
  • any activity that places a burden on our servers, where that burden is disproportionate to the benefits provided to users (for example, don't use Actions as a content delivery network or as part of a serverless application, but a low benefit Action could be ok if it’s also low burden); or
  • any other activity unrelated to the production, testing, deployment, or publication of the software project associated with the repository where GitHub Actions are used.

In order to prevent violations of these limitations and abuse of GitHub Actions, GitHub may monitor your use of GitHub Actions. Misuse of GitHub Actions may result in termination of jobs, restrictions in your ability to use GitHub Actions, or the disabling of repositories created to run Actions in a way that violates these Terms.

b. Packages Usage

GitHub Packages is billed on a usage basis. The Packages documentation includes details, including bandwidth and storage quantities (depending on your Account plan), and how to monitor your Packages usage and set usage limits. Packages bandwidth usage is limited by the GitHub Acceptable Use Polices.

6. Learning Lab

Enrollment. To complete enrollment in Learning Lab for Organizations, you agree to create a separate organization for Learning Lab purposes, and you authorize us to add Learning Lab course materials to that organization on your behalf.

Learning Lab Course Materials. Any course materials GitHub provides are owned solely by GitHub; provided, however, that GitHub grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, limited-term, non-transferable, royalty-free license to copy, maintain, use and run such course materials for your internal business purposes associated with Learning Lab use. This license grant is subject to any additional open source licensing agreements that may be provided along with the source code. Course materials you create are owned solely by you, provided, however, that you grant to GitHub a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, non-transferable, royalty-free license to copy, maintain, use, host, and run (as applicable) on the Service, such course materials. Your use of GitHub course materials and your creation and storage of your own course materials does not constitute joint ownership in either party's respective intellectual property by the other party.

Privacy. Learning Lab may collect personal information. You control what information Learning Lab collects in your profile settings panel. If Learning Lab collects personal information on GitHub's behalf, GitHub will process that information in accordance with the GitHub Privacy Statement. If you enroll in or are completing a private course through Learning Lab, GitHub may share your enrollment information and course progress through completion with the organization admins. This may include individual data such as your GitHub username, course start date, and course end date. Course completion data may also be presented in aggregate form to help guide improvements to the course content.

7. Connect

In order to access GitHub Connect, Customer must have at least one (1) Account on and one (1) licensed instance of the Software. Customer's access to and use of through Connect is governed by its Agreement applicable to its use of the Service. GitHub Connect may be used for performing automated tasks. In addition, multiple Users may direct certain actions with GitHub Connect. Customer is responsible for actions that are performed on or through its Accounts. GitHub may collect information about how Customer uses GitHub Connect to provide and improve the feature. By using GitHub Connect, Customer authorizes GitHub to collect protected data, which includes Private Repository data and User Personal Information (as defined in the GitHub Privacy Statement), from Customer’s Accounts. Customer also authorizes the transfer of identifying instance information to GitHub through GitHub Connect, which information is governed by the GitHub Privacy Statement.

8. Sponsors Program

In order to become a Sponsored Developer, you must agree to the GitHub Sponsors Program Additional Terms.

9. GitHub Advanced Security

GitHub Advanced Security is licensed on a "Unique Committer" basis. A "Unique Committer" is a licensed user of GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Enterprise Server, or GitHub AE, who has made a code commit in the last 90 days to any repository with any GitHub Advanced Security functionality activated. You must acquire a GitHub Advanced Security User license for each of your Unique Committers. You may only use GitHub Advanced Security on codebases that are developed by or for you. If you are using GitHub Advanced Security as part of GitHub Enterprise Cloud, many features of GitHub Advanced Security, including automated code scanning of private repositories, also require the use of GitHub Actions.

10. Dependabot Preview

Your use of Dependabot Preview is governed by a separate Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

11. Spectrum

Your use of Spectrum is governed by the GitHub Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.

12. Advisory Database

a. License Grant to Us

We need the legal right to submit your contributions to the GitHub Advisory Database into public domain datasets such as the National Vulnerability Database and to license the GitHub Advisory Database under open terms for use by security researchers, the open source community, industry, and the public. You agree to release your contributions to the GitHub Advisory Database under the Creative Commons Zero license.

b. License to the GitHub Advisory Database

The GitHub Advisory Database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. The attribution term may be fulfilled by linking to the GitHub Advisory Database at or to individual GitHub Advisory Database records used, prefixed by

13. GitHub Enterprise Server

a. SQL Server Images

You may download Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition container image for Linux files ("SQL Server Images"). You must uninstall the SQL Server Images when your right to use the Software ends. Microsoft Corporation may disable SQL Server Images at any time.

b. Third-party components

The Software includes components licensed to GitHub by third parties, including software whose licenses require GitHub to make the source code for those components available. The source code for such components will be provided upon request.

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