The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.


Twitter Transparency Center

This fundamental belief in the power of open public conversation inspired Twitter to launch one of the industry's first transparency reports back in 2012. 


The original goal of our transparency report was to provide the public with recurring insights into government pressures that impacted the public, whether through overt political censorship or by way of compelling account data through information requests.


A lot has changed since 2012. It is now more important than ever that we also shine a light on our own practices, including enforcement of the Twitter Rules and our ongoing work to disrupt global state-backed information operations. The public and policy makers want to be better informed about our actions and we recognize these calls for greater transparency.


That is why our original report has evolved into a more comprehensive Twitter Transparency Center covering a broader array of our transparency efforts. We now include sections covering information requests, removal requests, copyright notices, trademark notices, email security, Twitter Rules enforcement, platform manipulation, and state-backed information operations. 


We've also worked to make this complex subject matter increasingly interactive and intuitive over the years — your feedback has been heard. This has led to a number of improvements, including the use of data visualizations, localizing the reports into seven major languages, and continuing to iterate on examples and contextualizing the data. 


Transparency is fundamental to the work we do at Twitter. We are committed to providing meaningful transparency to the public through ongoing improvements and updates to our transparency center. 

Transparency Reports

Committed to the Open Exchange of Information

Get all the data and discover the insights of the reports from Jan-Jun 2020


Insights from the 17th Twitter Transparency Report