3 Girls Sitting on GrassThe NCOE Continuous Improvement and Academic Services Department (CIAS) envisions meaningful, relevant, accessible learning in all classrooms so strives to cultivate partnerships, promote quality resources, and build best practices, ensuring all students thrive and achieve. We empower educators and stakeholders by building capacity in curriculum, instruction, assessment, data analysis, and accountability. The CIAS department provides the following professional learning opportunities and programs through our strategic support, services, and technical assistance. The governing board of each LEA shall adopt an LCAP on or before July 1 of each fiscal year.

Learn more about our New Teacher Induction Program


Triangle: Side 1: Preparing Students: Side 2: For Success Side 3: Today & Tomorrow

In California, implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) began during the 2013–14 school year. The goal of the LCFF is to significantly simplify how state funding is provided to local educational agencies (LEAs). Under the new system LEAs will receive funding based on the demographic profile of the students they serve and gain greater flexibility to use these funds to improve outcomes of students.

The state Department of Finance estimates that achieving full funding levels under the LCFF will take eight years.

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is an important component of the LCFF. Under the LCFF all LEAs are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.

Eight State Priorities

  • Conditions of Learning: Priority 1 – Basic Services. Priority 2 – Implementation of CCSS. Priority 7 – Course Access.
  • Pupil Outcomes: Priority 4 – Pupil Achievement. Priority 8 – Other Pupil Outcomes.
  • Engagement: Priority 3 – Parental Involvement. Priority 5 – Pupil Engagement. Priority 6 – School Climate.

Napa County LCAPS (Local Control Area Plans)

Main Office Info.





Napa County Office of Education (main)
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

Program Locations

Napa County Office of Education
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA  94559

Research & Professional Development Center
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200
Petaluma, CA  94954

Napa Infant Program
1511 Myrtle Avenue
Napa, CA  94558

Napa Preschool Program
74 Wintun Court
Napa, CA 94559