
The Public Health Institute (PHI) promotes , well-being and quality of life for people throughout California, across the nation and around the world.

Oakland, California
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  1. Duela 10 ordu

    A new study has found that in high-conflict areas, there is approximately a 60% breastfeeding rate compared to 68% in lower conflict areas. via in

  2. Duela 13 ordu

    In this commentary for , and discuss how housing specialists work with hospitals can help to advance the housing status of the US’s residents experiencing homelessness:

  3. Duela 16 ordu

    . via : Discrimination against women in healthcare is a reflection of entrenched gender discrimination in India, a new study shows 400,000 women were missing from care.

  4. abu. 12
    Erakutsi haria
  5. abu. 12

    And it is unacceptable to base the merit of someone’s contributions to our country on how much wealth they have. We have a public health obligation—as well as an ethical one—to protect, care for, and hold in esteem, the lives of all within our country. 8/8

    Erakutsi haria
  6. abu. 12

    It is simply unacceptable, in a country as wealthy and resourced as the United States, to force anyone to choose between green card status and feeding their family or getting their child vaccinated. 7/8

    Erakutsi haria
  7. abu. 12

    As many as 1 in 5 low-income immigrants—including some with citizenship status—did not participate in safety net programs because they feared losing their (or a family member’s) green card status. 6/8

    Erakutsi haria
  8. abu. 12

    The new rules on green card eligibility are punitive, and send a message that immigrants aren’t welcome here. Worse, they may force thousands of families out of safety net programs that exist simply to meet their most basic needs, such as food and basic healthcare. 5/8

    Erakutsi haria
  9. abu. 12

    The Migration Policy Institute () estimates this could impact more than half of all family-based green card applicants. 4/8

    Erakutsi haria
  10. abu. 12

    It will require increased scrutiny for applicants below certain income thresholds, and a diagnosed medical condition that requires extensive medical treatment could ‘weigh heavily’ on eligibility. 3/8

    Erakutsi haria
  11. abu. 12

    The new rules would classify anyone ‘more likely than not’ to receive benefits—which could include Medicaid, housing assistance and food assistance under —for more than 12 out of 36 months as a public charge, and could disqualify their green card applications. 2/8

    Erakutsi haria
  12. abu. 12

    Statement on from : Today’s decision by the Trump administration to link green card eligibility with potential usage of public benefits could drastically impact the health & well-being of millions of those who are most vulnerable in society. 1/8

    Erakutsi haria
  13. abu. 12
  14. abu. 12

    Employees whose commute takes them past more fast food restaurants have, on average, a higher BMIs than their colleagues. has the story for :

  15. abu. 12

    "These products, even when certified '100-percent compostable' by independent assessors like BPI, contain chemicals that stay in the environment forever, ruining compost, tainting soil, and polluting water in the process." for

  16. abu. 12

    While Colorado has less than the US's overall obesity rate of 39.8%, a large portion of state residents still struggle to eat healthily and live active lifestyles. Obesity rates are at 29.9% for blacks and 27.7% for Latinos. Via and :

  17. abu. 12
  18. abu. 12
  19. abu. 9

    "When I met with PHI they told me, 'We are here to allow you to do the work you want to do.' That was the first time anyone had ever told me that, and that's exactly what they've done," said Dr. Tomás Magaña. Find out more about fiscal sponsorship at PHI:

  20. abu. 9

    . & note we "need strength models. Strength isn’t just about momentary power to jump building to building, it is also endurance to handle what is less than ideal. It’s the gritty persistence that disabled people embody everyday."


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