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Voter Action or Civil Unrest: Understanding the Difference

In America, we pride ourselves on democracy, voter rights, and the peaceful transfer of power. But the events surrounding the 2020 presidential election have us once again focusing on the democratic process. How can voters become engaged in the civil process without participating in civil unrest? And what is the difference between voter action and civil unrest?


Education Organizations Supporting Communities Through COVID

Education organizations are vitally important to our society, even during a “normal” year. However, in the middle of a pandemic, where children and teens face very real challenges to their educational development, these nonprofits are stepping up to help fill the gaps that COVID is leaving behind. Each has adapted its mission to meet the unique needs of its clients through helping students, teachers, and parents make the most of the ever-changing Coronavirus classroom environments. 


Nonprofits Fighting Fake News

In a technologically advanced society, misinformation and disinformation spread at the speed of light. With just one click, extremists, conspiracy theorists, and those bent on doing harm can share untrue information with readers worldwide. We’ve seen this spread of fake news culminate in violence, mistrust, and deep societal divisions. 


Donate to These Top Education Nonprofit Organizations

Photo Source: Photo by Nikhita S on Unsplash

In honor of the International Day of Education, we are highlighting’s top-rated education nonprofit organizations. Education is the key to a brighter future for all the world’s citizens. Consider donating your time or resources to these or any other organizations.


Nonprofits Getting Out the Vote

get the vote

Voting is at the heart of any successful democracy. The following nonprofit organizations, highlighted below, are dedicated to helping get out the vote by registering new voters and expanding access to voting throughout the U.S. Please consider supporting these Great Nonprofits Top-Rated organizations and protecting our cherished right to make our voices heard.


America’s Top Civil Rights Organizations

Civil Rights Nonprofits

As we look back on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s important to continue his work toward a more equitable future for all citizens. By donating your time or resources to these top-rated civil rights organizations, you are helping to create a culture of equality among all people.


The Best Organizations to Support for Animal Rights

Best Organizations for Animal Rights
Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

We all love our pets and want the very best for them. However, some animals don’t experience the best lives, which is why so many organizations focus on animal welfare and proper care of animals. Whether you’re a cat person, a dog person, or a reptile person, some nonprofits help out animals when they need it the most. Here you can find the best organizations to support for animal rights.


4 Simple Ways to Thank Your Donors

4 Simple Ways to Thank Your Donors

Thanking donors is important both as common courtesy and to foster long-term relationships. 

Donors who feel connected to your cause and nonprofit typically show greater support through financial donations, volunteering, or even acting as ambassadors and spokespersons for your nonprofit.

Here are some simple and meaningful ways that you can thank your donors:


5 Publicly Funded Organizations Dedicated to Helping Children

Source: Unsplash

With remote learning increasing in necessity due to the pandemic, our children are experiencing something we never had to. Although this path may be bumpy, our teachers are working tirelessly to adapt to the change and ensure each child has the opportunity to learn.


Volunteer for These Foundations Offering Grants to Those in Need

Source: Unsplash

Grantmaking foundations have the ability to award donated funds to a nonprofit or individual in need. In order to make this happen, volunteers and advocates must be a crucial part of the process, calling on friends and family members, or those who are service-oriented for help.


These Nonprofits Are Building Community Togetherness

Source: Unsplash

Personal social services can range from addressing issues of homelessness and poverty to the individual grieving process. Working alongside local authorities, these organizations enrich their communities by educating and uniting the public.


Support These Organizations Dedicated to Pediatric Research

Children's charities
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

As children, we laugh, play, and learn. Unfortunately for some, their ability to do so lessens as disease and other health issues may take precedence, isolating them from school and friends. Although heartbreaking, there are doctors and medical researchers working tirelessly to find solutions to these medical problems.


Six Ways You Can Help the Planet by Protecting and Conserving Natural Resources

Source: Unsplash

There are more than 7 million different species of plants and animals on earth. In addition to these living things are all the natural resources that keep the planet alive and functioning. Protecting these natural resources has become an important job for humans because our species is the one doing the most damage and destruction to the planet.
