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2009 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Curry Without Worry

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Arts & Culture, Coronavirus Relief Food Banks, Food, Food Programs, Meals on Wheels

Mission: Each Tuesday, Curry Without Worry seeks to give holistic nourishment by providing healthy, Nepalese meals to hungry guests in the heart of downtown San Francisco.  Served with the spirit of compassion and acceptance, all who partake in the experience receive more than a hot meal. Curry Without Worry seeks to feed both mind and body through music and dance, human interaction, and the merging of our global community.

Geographic areas served: San Francisco, CA

Community Stories

21 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Client Served

Rating: 5

hot food, tasty food, happy people, happy stomachs, good vibes, lots of love, and lots of passion... thanks for the food and love curry without worry!

1 Krystal K.


Rating: 5

Curry Without Worry is a very respected and impactful organization to the San Francisco community. I have volunteered a number of times, hosted fundraisers, and served on the board. Those that work with the organization care about the dignity of every person served and want to do what they can to help. I would recommend giving donations of time or money to this great organization.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I have been volunteering for Curry without Worry for four years. What keeps me coming back?The faces of the people we serve as the receive a nutritious meal that has a variety of vegetable and herbs that are healing. We pay attention to digestion and the feeling of abundance for the people we serve. The best thing I experience is the sense of community celebration and the connection we all feel whether receive or offer a meal. Music , a warm healthy meal, compassion, connection and a sense of gratitude for the people receiving the food we so love to give -that is why i keep coming back to this community everyone creates each Tuesday. Thank-you everyone for the time we share together.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Curry without Worry is about community without borders. It is about sharing a meal with those less fortunate. I have volunteered for CWOW for 2 years helping to prepare the meals and have found such pride in how they are prepared with attention to nutrition , taste,variety and attractive presentation. It gives all of us working such joy to offer meals that provide everyone we serve our very best. Curry without Worry makes me realize we all need to extend our world to everyone- a stranger ceases to be a stranger, and the possibility of hope and equality become possiible when we break bread together. A day can make a difference in our lives, and Curry without Worry helps to make a difference with each meal it gives to those in need and to those who are lucky enough to prepare and serve those meals.



Rating: 5

Great! I helped to cook Nepali food with personable and genuine people and then brought the food to downtown San Francisco where we served others in need of a hot meal. It was a great experience. The organization is very welcoming to new volunteers as well as to the people they serve. This is such a positive environment to be in. With continued funding and access to a place to cook and serve, Curry Without Worry will be able remain helping others!



Rating: 5

"rain or shine" this celebration of human compassion brings delicious food, laughter, music and compassion back to a society sorely lacking such vital community activities by bringing people of all stripes and shades around "the human fire place" to quote the lively founder Shrawan



Rating: 5

When I first approached the food the organization was serving, I couldn't help but want to get in line along with the homeless because it smelled so good! I have never been to a soup kitchen that served food as delicious and wholesome as Curry Without Worry. So it is no surprise that there is a line forming long before the organization gets there. In addition, the volunteers are always very friendly and have fun being there, creating a memorable experience. The owner also plays the drums and sings while the homeless wait in line which also creates a spirited and uplifting environment.



Rating: 5

I heard about Curry Without Worry through a friend and thought it sounded like an interesting way to volunteer my time. However, it was so much more fulfilling than I was expecting. All the other volunteers are very friendly and happy to be there and all the people coming to get food are sweet and very appreciative. They all had good stories to tell and were eager to talk. The food was amazing; the smell alone was drawing people in from all over. I really can’t wait to go cook and serve again!



Rating: 5

Hello I first heard of curry with out worry from my daughter's school. So one day i decided to take my daughter there to see what it was about. Soon as we got there we just so impressed, with everyone. We have decide to go there every Tuesday and help out. Joy that curry without worry bring to people it's amazing. This is a truly the best organization i have ever seen.



Rating: 5

I first learned of Curry Without Worry while living on the streets of San Francisco as part of a street retreat. During my week living on the streets I received meals from a variety of soup kitchens and shelters. None compared with the quality of the love and nourishment which is cooked into every wholesome meal which Curry Without Worry provides every week to hungry souls in San Francisco. In no way did I feel belittled or diminished by asking for food from Curry Without Worry. After I received my plate of warm, vegetarian food I sat with a group under the Simon Bolivar statue at Civic Center plaza. There I felt a part of a community as I ate and talked with others and listened to the sounds of Nepalese drumming and singing. The simple phrase, "Happy Tuesday," being sung with the drum beating was like a sweet mantra. Nothing was asked of me before I was fed, and afterward I felt encouraged to stay and talk for as long as I liked. I appreciated the intermingling of servers and the served. All seemed to sit together and eat afterward: the housed, the homeless, the young, the old. It was nice how few distinctions I felt. After being served by Curry Without Worry I decided to volunteer there as a cook in the kitchen preparing the meals. I felt the same sense of love and community that I felt while being served when I was volunteering. I have so many memories of singing to Bollywood music while we worked, as I learned about frying puri and making the curry dishes. It has been one of the most fun volunteer experiences I have ever taken part in. Volunteers come for as much time as they are able, and there is always a warm welcome for all volunteers for the time they can offer. Every time I volunteer, I go home feeling healthier and happier for having spent the day in that community.



Rating: 5

Curry without Worry is a whole experience. Whether you volunteer to cook the delicious 5 dishes of Nepalese food, or serve it on Tuesdays evening, or even just show up to the line that outstretches the lengthe of San Francisco's Civic Center. This none profit is the clearest and most percise to its cause. I does not attempt to resovle a list of world problems, but it does successful provide a reliable delicious, nutritious, and warming meal to anyone who is hungery. There is no discrimination so all walks of life come to Curry Without Worry, homeless regulars, local crazies, starving college students, hungry downtowners. Sharwan, the creator of Curry without Worry, with his wonderful culianary and dedicicated volunteer crew provide a warm inviting and cultural experiences for all filled with music, laughter, and good food. Thank you for your service.



Rating: 5

The vegetarian nepalize food is resteurant quality. The singing, druming, and interaction between volenteers and eaters creates the atmosphere of a mellow party. Althogh here is no official security, the calm energy keeps conflicts to a minumum.



Rating: 5

curry without worry, to me, was an embodiment of our potential to collectively accomplish great things within out communities. Amidst a world of animosity and profit-based thought, it is a reassuring thing to be involved in a community project that feeds bodies and souls solely to do just that.I volunteered in the kitchen for ten sucessive weeks, and I know that I will return as soon as I can. Also, Curry Without Worry is responsibly devoid of unnecessary costs and beaurocracies, donors can be sure that their money is going directly towards the food we buy.



Rating: 5

The amazing thing about CWOW is that it is much more than a 'soup kitchen' experience. The difference lies in the food, and the people who serve it. The food that is served in very healthy, freshly made, often from Organic, and sometimes local ingredients. The food is then served amongst dancing, drumming, and the true warm Nepali spirit. It is a joining of Eastern and Western cultures, and always proves to be a rewarding experience. I hope you can make it someday!



Rating: 5

I am one of the volunteer who helps to cook, serve and clean dishes. I have been helping the organization for more then 2 years and I am very happy to say the experience has been awesome. Whether it is in kitchen or in civic center serving food, the vibe is always positive... people are always smiling and enjoying. Shrawan Nepali is always there with his madal(nepali drum) and his song to uplift the spirit even in the glummest weather. The group that makes the cwow happen are so amazing that every time I have friends and families visiting city, I make a point to bring them to civic center to experience cwow. I am proud to say all of them returned with a smile on their face.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Curry Without Worry is an amazing organization that does a great service for the city of San Francisco. They bring not only nourishment in the form of a 5 course Nepalese meal, but a boost of morale and spirit to the hundreds of people they feed every Tuesday at the San Francisco Civic Center. The city is lucky to have such a great group of people giving back to the Community. Also, Shrawan the founder is an absolute rock star.



Rating: 5

Curry without Worry provides holistic Nepolese nourishment. My son Jack has shared with me stories of meals to hungry guests in the heart of downtown San Francisco. It is more than food for the body, it is food for the soul. We all have more in common than we have as differences. Eating is a communal way to equalize relationships and begin anew. Thanks Curry without Worry!



Rating: 5

I had the pleasure of experiencing CWOW while visiting my good friend, Emily Daggett, in San Francisco last winter. She is dedicated to volunteering every Tuesday night, and it was a joy to share in both the preparation and delivery of the meal to the community. Even though it was cold and raining, volunteers had a smile on their face, and pleasantly served each community member who came to enjoy the meal. I hope to have the chance to serve with CWOW again!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Curry Without Worry is my favorite meal of the week. The food is nutritious, hot, and the servings are big. There's great music, friendly volunteers, and a diverse crowd.



Rating: 5

An organization full of people who want to not only feed people, but connect people in a personal way. I was lucky to attend an event and volunteer one evening, and both times I felt like I got more than I gave.



Rating: 5

I am impressed with the level of compassion and dedication to serve demonstrated by the founder and long-time volunteers. They haven't missed a Tuesday in 3 years and the consistent presence of Curry Without Worry truly is a god-send for many of the clients. Though there are many organizations feeding the homeless and low income in San Francisco, CWOW believes that the disadvantaged communities need more than just a hot meal. Music, song and recognizing the humanity of each guest is at the forefront of the service.