Tap into the world’s largest focus group

Twitter is where the world turns to learn and discuss what’s happening now. Twitter data helps brands and organizations to connect with and understand this public conversation.

Use Cases

Monitor Twitter

Track mentions of your brand, products or competitors, and get alerts to spot trends for potential crises.

Listen to consumers

Learn about consumer sentiment to better understand your audience and what they discuss on Twitter.

Manage customer care

Identify and respond to your customers' inquiries on Twitter and manage those interactions at scale.

Manage your social presence

Plan, create and execute social marketing campaigns.

Measure effectiveness

Track campaign performance and shifts in the public conversation to tailor your social marketing accordingly.

Launch new products

Create and test new offerings by getting early, unbiased feedback on brand messaging and product designs.

Get started with Twitter data today

Whether you want to work with a trusted Twitter data partner or have the resources to build in-house, we make it easy for you to use Twitter data.


Get insights immediately with Twitter Official partners.


Access Twitter enterprise APIs directly for customized solutions.