love is respect advocates are available 24/7

We offer confidential support for teens, young adults, and their loved ones seeking help, resources, or information related to healthy relationships and dating abuse in the US. We’re available by text (“LOVEIS” to 22522), call (866.331.9474), or live chat online.

Terms & conditions for text services

No matter how you reach out to us, you’ll always receive one-on-one, real-time, confidential support.

Our advocates are trained on issues related to dating abuse and healthy relationships, as well as crisis intervention. When you contact us, we’ll listen to your situation, assess how you’re feeling in the moment, and help you identify what next steps may be best for you.

This might include brainstorming a safety plan together or identifying local resources to further support you, whether it’s a service provider, legal resource, counselor, or survivor network to get in touch with.


You always have certain rights in your relationship

whether you’re in a relationship, starting something new, or just thinking about dating. Download a copy of your Relationship Rights and remember you have the right to:

privacy, both online and off.

feel safe and respected.

decide who you want to date—or not date.

choose when, if, and who you have sex with.

say no at any time

(to sex, to drugs or alcohol, to a relationship, etc.), even if you’ve said yes before.

hang out with your friends and family and do the things that you enjoy

without your partner getting jealous or controlling.

leave a relationship that isn’t right or healthy for you.

live free from violence and abuse.