Quick and customisable templates for your next questionnaire

Need to create an online survey quickly, but need a little help? Not sure what questions to put in your questionnaire and need some suggestions? Our questionnaire template list provides you with a great selection of pre-built questionnaires and sample surveys so you can have a survey live in minutes.

Find a questionnaire template from the list below and use as is, or, customise it to suit your needs. You can add additional questions, edit questions, remove questions, change the questionnaire template look and feel, and even add your own branding . Tweak it until it's perfect!

If you can't find the questionnaire template you're looking for, then it's just as straightforward to create a survey from scratch. Simply sign up here, click 'create a survey' when you've logged in and away you go. Our support team is also ready and waiting if you need some help or you can book a live online demo.

Using a questionnaire template

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A guide to questionnaire templates

Questionnaires are a vital part of an organisation's research because they provide valuable insights about how customers view their services and products, how employees view their work and relationships, and much more. A lot of businesses don't realise how much information they can get from simply asking people what they think, but questionnaires can form the hub of a market research strategy.

You can use questionnaire templates to research or get feedback on all manner of things, some other examples being preferences (e.g. TV programmes, holiday destinations), behaviors (e.g. online shopping habits, alcohol consumption), facts (e.g. marital status, education level), or needs (e.g. IT equipment at work, dietary requirements). And a great way to save time and money when conducting research is to use a questionnaire template. Templates can help you get up and running quicker and with greater accuracy.

Questionnaires can be simple or complex, but certain best practices should be adhered to. In this guide, we'll talk about the types of questionnaire examples and discuss the many advantages they offer. Let's get started.

Questionnaire Examples

If you're new to questionnaires it can be challenging to understand how they work and which ones to use. Questionnaire templates can help you to plan and format your survey, but there are a lot to choose between. Before deciding on a template, it's crucial to think about the purpose of your research and the people you're surveying.

Customer Questionnaires

Did you know that 96% of consumers (PDF) say that a brand's customer service impacts their purchasing decision? The fact is, you can't have a successful business unless your customers value your brand. So, customer questionnaires are essential for highlighting areas in which your customer service needs work. There are many customer questionnaire templates you can use, including:

Customer satisfaction: whether your business operates in a physical or online capacity, you should still always include a customer questionnaire. Customer satisfaction surveys are beneficial if someone uses your live chat feature, visits your physical location or purchases your product/service.

Customer satisfaction questionnaires can let you see how people interact with your business and monitor the performance of your employees.

Product evaluation: product questionnaires aren't just for people that purchase or regularly use one of your products. You can also use them to gain insights into how your target audience views and use other products, which can help you a lot with your own design and development process.

Read more about customer surveys

Employee Questionnaires

According to Monster, the average employee turnover rate is 15%, but catering, hospitality and customer service industries have much higher rates. Employee satisfaction is vital for businesses to reduce their costs associated with hiring and training new employees.

Happy team members don't want to leave their jobs, so it's essential to ask your employees how satisfied they are with their working environment.

You can also include questions about what your team would like to see from the company in the future and use open-ended questions (link to open questions blog) to enable your workforce to voice their opinions.

Read more about employee and HR surveys

Market Research Questionnaires

Market research means you can make smart decisions for your company. Not sure about how people will respond to your latest products? Are People connecting with your website? What do they like or dislike about your competitors?

When you conduct market research, you gain valuable data which gives your company the best chance of success, whether you're looking at expanding an existing market or moving into a new one.

Read more about market research surveys

Not-For-Profit Questionnaires

Not-for-profit organisations often rely on support from a lot of external sources. These might be individual donors or other organisations, but feedback from everyone involved in your charity is essential. If your donors aren't happy with where their money is going, then you need to make changes to ensure their continuing support.

By looking at your fundraising efforts, public image and evaluating your operations, you can not only show your donors how much you appreciate their efforts but hopefully raise more money.

Read more about charity and not-for-profit surveys

Education Questionnaires

There are many uses for education questionnaires, and they're so much more than just feedback for teachers. Schools and universities can use education questionnaire templates to learn more about how their students are developing academically. They're also beneficial to get feedback from parents and legal guardians.

It's also important to remember that teachers can talk about the levels of support they're getting from the education board and highlight any significant issues with student behaviour. Education questionnaires enable everyone involved in learning to voice their concerns, highlight problem areas and develop better learning programmes.

Read more about education and academic surveys

Hospitality Questionnaires

Hospitality questionnaires are essential to let event organisers and business owners understand how successful a venue is. There are lots of agencies involved in planning conferences, corporate trips and general hospitality events.

Using hospitality questionnaire templates means you can select from a range of pre-set questions to incorporate everyone involved in events, from organisers and staff to attendees.

Read more about hospitality and travel surveys

Healthcare Questionnaires

Surveys and questionnaires allow healthcare providers to learn how their patients feel about the level of care they provide. They can be invaluable as a diagnostic tool too because many patients might feel they cannot speak to GP's about the issues they experience.

There are many forms of healthcare questionnaires, but using a template means you can ask the right questions for your needs.

Read more about healthcare and patient surveys

Anything Else?

If you have a questionnaire requirement that isn't reflected here, why not speak to our friendly team? We are confident our flexible and customisable questionnaire template solutions can work for you.

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The advantages of using a questionnaire template

There are many advantages of using questionnaire templates. Let's look at some of them.

You don't need to design it yourself

Most questionnaire templates come with a premade layout, which means you don't need to spend a lot of time designing them. Whilst there are other ways to create lists of questions, they can often look unprofessional.

Using a template means you can focus on asking questions and getting results instead of choosing the right layout and planning your formatting.

More time to focus on your business

Let's face it, very few of us enjoy planning out documents. Instead, we'd rather choose a convenient option so we can focus on building our business. The great thing about templates is you don't need to worry about creating your questionnaire.

The main aim of questionnaires is to gain valuable insights about your customers, so you can use them to improve your company, so saving yourself some time by using a template is a definite advantage.

You can choose from a range of pre-existing templates

If you're not sure which questions to ask, you can choose from pre-existing templates for your industry. It's beneficial if you want to conduct a thorough study because instead of second-guessing, you can be confident that the time to invest in your questionnaire will be rewarded with usable data.

Benefits of market research surveys

Things to consider for your questionnaire

There are lots of things you should consider for your questionnaire, but the most important is the presentation and the questions.

The layout of your questionnaire

Your layout depends on three significant factors:

Length: How long is your questionnaire? If you're only asking five or six questions, you might prefer a simple list format, but long-form surveys might need more formatting.

Presentation: People are more likely to fill in your questionnaire if it looks professional. Think about including your company logo and any imagery you feel supports your research.

Question Progression: How you plan your questions is everything. It would help if you aimed to guide participants through your questionnaire and section them off according to their relevance. For example, if you're asking someone about their health, keep physical and mental questions separate.

The types of questions

You don't have to stick to one set of questions in your questionnaire. You can ask questions in a range of formats including:

Closed questions - Often require one-word answers such as yes or no (read more about closed questions).

Open-ended questions - Great for finding out detailed information from your participants, open questions often ask "what" and "why" (read more about open questions).

Multiple choice - Often give participants numerous choices such as age ranges, or services they use.

Imagery - Instead of text-based questions, participants are given a range of pictures to choose from.

Scale questions - These types of questions are prevalent in healthcare studies. For example, a depression questionnaire might ask participants to rate how much energy they have on a scale of 1-10.

Create your first questionnaire

We hope you now have an idea about how using questionnaire templates can benefit you. The most important use of a questionnaire is to let you learn more about your customers, products, employees and competitors. If you'd like help with your questionnaires or surveys, contact us today, and we'll help you get started.

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Questionnaire templates to get you started

For researchers working in CX or HR roles the following quick list includes some of the most popular questionnaire templates on our platform:

Take a look at our survey templates page for more.

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