Why is collecting Customer Service Feedback so important to businesses?

How well is your customer support team performing? How great is your customer service? How happy are your customers?

For any size of business, it can be difficult to answer these questions, particularly as a business grows it becomes impossible to have visibility of every single customer support request or issue. Yet this is crucial to understand how happy your customers are, as the value of a positive customer service experience is immeasurable, making a huge different to profitability and future security

By distributing online customer service feedback surveys you can measure the quality of your support , improve areas where your team is struggling and help ensure high levels of customer satisfaction at every point of contact within your business.

Increasing customer retention rates by 5%, increases profits by 25% to 95%. Bain & Company
67% of consumers and 74% of business buyers say they’ll pay more for a great experience. Salesforce
collect customer feedback

Increase your profits and retention rates by collecting customer feedback survey

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84% of organizations working to improve CX report an increase in revenue. Dimensions data
improving customer servive

How customer service surveys improve your business

  • Keeps your customer service standards high

    Regular surveys of your customer service advisors with ongoing feedback about how they are performing helps you to maintain the highest possible standards.

  • Quickly identify any areas you need to improve

    The ability to distribute online surveys immediately after each interaction with your support team and analyse the results helps you to quickly see anything you should be doing better.

  • Share customer insight and enhance your company performance

    Whether it’s new ideas or fresh actions that your customers want to see implemented, sharing their feedback throughout your business helps positively shape how you move forward, from establishing new procedures to setting new customer service targets.

  • Your customers recommend you to others

    Do you know your NPS? A Net Promoter Score survey measures how happy your customers are with your business and how likely they are to recommend you to others. Companies with an excellent customer service team are more likely to have a high NPS score and be recommended to other businesses.

  • Helps strengthen brand loyalty

    Providing great customer service and a positive experience every time, builds stronger client relationships and nurtures long term customer loyalty.

Start improving your customer service and satisfaction levels today

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Essential tips for creating your customer service survey

  1. Be open about what you are doing Being transparent with your customers about what you are looking to achieve with an estimate of how long it will take them to complete your survey is more likely to generate a favourable response.
  2. Identify your goals To help maximise the value you will gain from your survey, it is essential to be clear about your goals and have defined processes in place for comparing your results.
  3. Think like your customers Creating simple, jargon free questions that your customers would expect to see, anything from “How well did your agent understand your query?" to “How clear was the advice they provided?” are more likely to be answered and leave a good impression.
  4. Keep it short To maintain your customers’ focus and increase their probability of completing your survey, keep it short. Our survey templates demonstrate the effective use of these principles.
  5. Mix up your questions With a range of different question types from multiple choice to open-ended ones with areas for comments, your survey is more likely to appeal and encourage customers to leave feedback.
  1. Make it accessible Distribute your survey via email or web link, post on social media, use a website popup or engage via SMS message. Make your survey as accessible as possible by using the channels that are most relevant to your customers. Leveraging relevant channels will encourage wider participation, improving engagement rates and providing you with more insight to drive action.
  2. Compliance It’s essential that you comply with current GDPR laws governing the safe collection, use and storage of personal data, as non-compliance can be extremely costly. Working with a compliant company like SmartSurvey, keeps you protected. As an ISO27001 accredited business we have some of the most advanced data security processes in place for our customers including hosting in a secure, UK based data centre.
  3. Use an effective software survey tool A software platform that is both flexible and easy to use can enable you to create an attractive survey that’s simple for customers to use and easy for you to collect and analyse their feedback.

Start collecting feedback in just a couple minutes with one of our surveys

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Customer service feedback survey templates

You can get further inspiration from one of our service survey templates, which can be customised to suit your needs or used as is. If you need any help feel free to contact us and our friendly support team will be happy to help.

Feel free to use or customise one of our ready-made online survey templates:

SmartSurvey Offers a Complete Solution for Customer Service Feedback

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