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We stand against racism, and in solidarity with the Black community. Let’s amplify the voice of Black people, and fight systemic inequality in our world. #ShareBlackStories

4 јуни во 18:10 ·

Facebook ја смени профилната слика.

31 мај во 22:07 ·

The pain of the last week reminds us how far our country has to go to give every person the freedom to live with dignity and peace. It reminds us yet again that the violence Black people in America live with today is part of a long history of racism and injustice. We all have the responsibility to create change.

We stand with the Black community -- and all those working towards justice in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others whose names will not be...

31 мај во 22:07 ·
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