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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thank you for visiting our COVID-19 hub.   

The Government has issued new guidance for the national lockdown in Englandwhich came into force on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. The new guidance states that you must not leave, or be outside of your home except where necessary. 

We will need to review the latest legislation once published, however in the meantime we have prepared a set of FAQs based on what we believe the guidance means for recreational boating.

The regulations in England, ScotlandWales and Northern Ireland differ, but are all aimed at controlling the virus. People in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should follow the specific rules in those parts of the UK and read the more detailed guidance on the RYA Home Country web pages.

Please be assured that we will continue to work with the relevant authorities to represent the interests of the boating community.  Our primary concern remains the health of our members, affiliated clubs and classes, recognised training centres (RTCs), instructors, staff and volunteers. 

Guidance & FAQs

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