Internet Architecture Board


IAB Minutes 2019-07-21

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Minutes of the 2019-07-21 IAB Business Meeting, Montreal

0. Attendance


  • Jari Arkko
  • Alissa Cooper (IETF Chair)
  • Stephen Farrell
  • Wes Hardaker
  • Ted Hardie (IAB Chair)
  • Christian Huitema
  • Mirja Kühlewind (IESG Liaison)
  • Zhenbin Li
  • Cindy Morgan (IAB Executive Administrative Manager)
  • Erik Nordmark (via WebEx)
  • Mark Nottingham
  • Karen O’Donoghue (ISOC Liaison)
  • Colin Perkins (IRTF Chair)
  • Melinda Shore
  • Jeff Tantsura
  • Martin Thomson


  • Brian Trammell

1. Avoiding Unintended Harms of Encryption Policies

The IAB took an action to review the current draft of the IAB statement on “Avoiding Unintended Harms of Encryption Policies.” The statement will be on the 2019-08-07 IAB agenda for approval.

2. Pruning the IAB communications channels & mailing lists

Mark Nottingham reported that he has gone through the private IAB wiki and concluded that the content there falls into three categories: 1) things that are obsolete and can be removed, 2) things that can be moved to the public wiki, and 3) things that should remain private, e.g. the history of various appointments.

The IAB agreed that the items in the first two categories should be moved or deleted accordingly. Mark Nottingham and Cindy Morgan will work on this. The items in the third category will remain in the private wiki so that there is a history for IAB members to refer to as the IAB’s membership changes over the years.

The IAB agreed to close the following mailing lists (and retain the archives, if present):


The IAB agreed to move the following lists to


The IAB will close the list; it may be reopened on later if necessary.

Alissa Cooper noted that she received a suggestion about reorganizing the membership of IAB mailing lists. Currently includes various liaisons, while is for voting and ex officio members only; this may be surprising to people who send mail to expecting to only reach the voting members.

Ted Hardie noted that the IESG lists are set up in the same way, and asked Alissa Cooper to write up a summary of the suggestion she received so that the IAB could review and discuss it more detail.

3. IAB Conflict of Interest Policy

The IAB discussed using the proposed conflict of interest policy for the IETF Administration LLC as the basis for the IAB’s conflict of interest policy.

Colin Perkins asked who the IAB’s conflict of interest policy would affect. Ted Hardie replied that it would apply to voting and ex officio members of the IAB, but not to liaisons.

Colin Perkins noted that the IAB might want to include something about sources of academic funding in their conflict of interest policy.

Alissa Cooper will notify Ted Hardie and Stephen Farrell when the IETF LLC conflict of interest policy is finalized; once that happens, Ted and Stephen will adjust the text for an IAB version of the conflict of interest policy and send it out to the IAB for review.

4. Finalize IAB Job Description

The IAB discussed the IAB job description that is provided to NomCom.

Ted Hardie noted that he is not planning to stand for another term on the IAB, and suggested that the language about finding potential chair candidates in the job description should be strengthened.

The IAB continued live editing the job description text. Martin Thomson will accept the changes and send a clean copy out to the IAB for review before the IAB meeting on 2019-07-25.

5. IAB Charter – time to engage with the community about a revision?

The IAB discussed whether it is time to engage with the IETF community about updating the IAB charter. Ted Hardie pointed out that there have been a number of changes to the environment in which the IAB works since RFC 2850 was originally published, and so reflecting those changes would be valuable. However, RFC 2850 was published as a BCP, and thus cannot be updated on the IAB stream. This opens the question of who can actually update the IAB charter. Alissa Cooper said that any effort to update the IAB charter would have to be community- driven.

6. draft-nottingham-for-the-users

The IAB briefly discussed draft-nottingham-for-the-users and agreed to add it to the 2019-08-07 agenda for adoption. Cindy Morgan will send a message to the architecture-discuss list announcing that the IAB is considering adopting the document.

7. Executive Session: ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee Appointment

The IAB agreed by acclamation to reappoint Jim Reid to another one-year term on the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee.