Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Project

The mission of the Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program is to envision and work toward cancer-free tribal communities by taking an integrated and coordinated approach to cancer control. In collaboration with 43 Northwest tribes, the Northwest Tribal Cancer Control Project is implementing strategies that will reduce the cancer burden for American Indians and Alaskan Natives in the Northwest.

The Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program serves the 43 federally recognized tribes in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.


  • Facilitate a process for Northwest tribes to promote cancer risk reduction strategies.
  • Provide information on the most current early detection, screening and treatment practices through education and resource materials.
  • Provide education regarding quality of life for cancer patients, their families and caretakers.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with local and national cancer organizations and individuals.
  • Improve Indian-specific cancer control data.

Kiki Colon


The Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program is recruiting Northwest American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth and Tribal youth educators to help tailor a curriculum for High School students on sun safety and early detection of melanoma practices for AI/AN youth in the Northwest.

We are seeking youth and Tribal educators who are willing to participate in a virtual focus group to help tailor this curriculum.

Our goal is to tailor a pre-existing High School sun safety curriculum to be more culturally relevant for AI/AN youth in the Northwest.

To participate, you must:

  • Identify as American Indian/Alaska Native
  • Be a High School student
  • Live in Oregon, Washington or Idaho


  • Be a Tribal educator in Idaho, Oregon, or Washington

Participants will receive a $20 gift card to Amazon, Walmart, Safeway or Fred Meyer for completing a focus group. During the focus group the current sun safety curriculum will be presented to youth and then youth will be asked their feedback. Focus groups will last up to two hours.

Questions, contact Rosa Frutos, Cancer Project Coordinator, at

Youth Recruitment Flyer hc

Cancer Survivorship Survey

Help us improve our cancer survivorship interventions!

If you are a Tribal healthcare provider or a cancer prevention advocate serving our Tribal communities in the Northwest we want your help!

The Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program has developed a brief, 10-minute survey focused on cancer survivorship issues.

Your feedback will help our program implement targeted cancer survivorship interventions that better support your communities!

This survey is anonymous and, of course, voluntary.

Cancer Survivorship Survey for Northwest Tribal Healthcare Providers and Cancer Prevention Advocates:

If you have any questions you may email Cancer Project Coordinator Rosa Frutos at or Project Director Kerri Lopez at

In 1999, the NPAIHB was the first Tribal organization to receive a CDC Comprehensive Cancer Grant. The Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Control Project (NTCCP) was the first program to form a tribal cancer coalition covering multiple states, develop a tribal comprehensive cancer plan, design a tribal behavioral risk factor survey, and collaborate with a wide network of partners including federal, state, academic, non profit, and private industry partners.

The NTCCP provides technical assistance to tribes on tribal action plans for local cancer activities, resource information, cancer data and cancer education training through a variety of venues including the Clinical Director’s Update, Cancer 101, and Risky Business. NTCCP also participates in tribal health fairs, events, conferences, and trainings.

Since 1998, the Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program (NTCCP) has worked to reduce the burden of cancer affecting Northwest tribal  communities. This daunting task was tackled using an integrated and coordinated approach to cancer control, bridging prevention, screening and early detection, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and end of life care.


The Northwest Tribal Cancer Control Twenty Year Plan – Working Toward Cancer-free Tribal Communities

The Northwest Tribal Cancer Coalition meets regularly with tribal and other comprehensive cancer control partners to address:

  • Cancer prevention and control by building partnerships.
  • Provide a forum for networking and sharing new information on resources, screening, educational, clinical, and policy updates.
  • Empower Tribal communities that have the ability to influence public policy and effect change.
  • Provide National, regional, state and local cancer data, research, and evaluation tools for making decisions about cancer prevention and control.

Provide technical assistance in tribal action plan development to help promote local activities in screening, prevention, and education activities in tribal communities.

Provide cancer education training through a variety of venues including the Clinical Director’s Update, Cancer 101, Risky Business and coalition meetings.

Provide resource information to tribal communities on cancer related issues.


Project activities are funded by Cooperative Agreement No. U58 DP003935-05 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Pregnancy and Smoking Native American Women.
Stats on AI/AN Women Smoking During Pregnancy Rates

Tool Kit for Clinicians: Helping Pregnant Women to Quit

Pregnancy, patch, lozenges, and safety

Pregnancy and Smoking Marijuana

AI/AN stats on Smoking

Commercial Tobacco Facts

AI/AN Tobacco Implementation Survey

Policy planning in tribal communities

Tobacco Prevention AI/AN

Tobacco Cessation

Clinical Training

Self Help Programs

Tribal Tobacco Resources

Community training

Children and second hand smoke AI/AN

Videos and brochures

Traditional Tobacco


HPV Resources



Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs – 2017 HPV Vaccination Campaign

Appointment Companion

Cancer Survivorship Tools for Healthcare Professionals

GW Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Infographic

Resource Guide

Cervical Cancer Infographic

Search for additional cancer resources below:


2015 Cancer Fact Sheets

2011 Cancer Fact Sheets

2009 Cancer Fact Sheets

  • Portland Area (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington)
  • Idaho
  • Oregon
  • Washington

The Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program is requesting grant applications from NPAIHB member Tribes.

This grant will fund $5,000 to support the implementation of Tribal Cancer Action Plans.

The request must align with one of our cancer plan objectives, which can be found in the attached “Application Instructions” document.

Application Instructions and Background

Action Planning Worksheet

Example Application

Example Action Planning Worksheet

Report Template

This year we have some extra funding for these mini-grants to support cancer survivorship activities if this is something your program and/or tribe would like to focus on.

You may submit an additional application for up to $5000 for cancer survivorship activities. See Application for more info.

The applications may be submitted through April 23, 2021. Those applications received sooner will be considered first.

We are encouraging everyone to use the PSE (Policy, Systems and Environment) change framework within their activity implementation to best support activities within your Tribe/community.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Kerri Lopez (Tolowa Tribe)
Director, NW Tribal Cancer and Western Tribal Diabetes Projects
NPAIHB “The EpiCenter”
2121 SW Broadway, Suite 300
Portland, OR 97201

Rosa Frutos, MSW (Warm Springs), Cancer Project Coordinator

Thomas M. Becker, MD, PhD, Medical Epidemiologist


Northwest Tribal Cancer Coalition Virtual Meeting

Draft Agenda: Northwest Tribal Cancer Coalition Meeting – Thursday, July 30th 2020

Second Wind Tobacco Cessation Virtual Training