Youth Delegates

The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s (NPAIHB) Youth Delegates are a group of Native youth who represent the tribes in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. They collaborate to share their voice on health programs and policies, and learn more about health and wellness careers.

Youth Delegates serve a 1-year term from July 2019 – June 2020, and serve as the official youth policy body for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and its member tribes. This diverse group of Native youth (ages 14-24) must be enrolled members or a descendant of one of the 43 NPAIHB member tribes located in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Youth Delegates provide recommendations to the NPAIHB and other state and federal agencies about health programs and policies that affect young people.

What are the NPAIHB Youth Delegates?

The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s Youth Delegates are a group of Native youth who represent the tribes in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. They collaborate to share their voice on health programs and policies, and learn more about health and wellness careers.

What do the Youth Delegates do?

Youth Delegates will work throughout the year to develop leadership skills and learn more about health and wellness professions. During the meetings, Youth Delegates will discuss health programs and policies that impact youth in their tribal communities, write and pass resolutions, share their unique voice and perspective, and provide feedback to NPAIHB Delegates.

What is expected of a Youth Delegate?

Youth Delegates serve as the official youth policy body for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and its member tribes as well as attend monthly virtual meetings. Additional leadership opportunities may become available throughout the year. Unless approved, Youth Delegates are expected attend all in-person meetings and monthly virtual meetings.

Who is Involved?

Participation is open to any tribal youth who is between the ages of 14-24, an enrolled member or descendant of one of the 43 tribal nations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, and interested in learning more about health and wellness professions.  

How long can I be involved?

Terms are for 1 year (July 2020 – June 2021). Youth Delegates can reapply to participate another year, as long as they successfully met their obligations the year before and continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

When and how often do we get to meet?

We will meet several different times throughout the year, with goals of meeting in-person meetings  and monthly virtual meetings. If an In-person meetings would happen they would be at the NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting (3 days) hosted by one of the member tribes. Virtual meetings will typically last around 45 minutes and you can attend using your mobile phone or a computer. Additional leadership opportunities may also be a possibility.

Who runs the Youth Delegates? Where does the funding come from?

Youth! Adult staff are involved to support programs and trainings and serve as mentors. The Youth Delegate program is funded through a grant from the Administration for Native Americans

Can I get School Credit and treat this as an internship?

Yes. Since the NPAIHB is a nonprofit, your work as a Youth Delegate can qualify as an internship, which can fulfill community service hours.

Are there any other perks?

We will cover your travel costs to attend in-person meetings, hook you up with free We R Native gear, and provide new opportunities and experiences you can add to your resume.

How do I apply to be a Youth Delegate?

Fill out the application and answer the questions that can be found hereYour application will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of NPAIHB staff and current Youth Delegates.

When is the deadline?

The application closes at 11:59pm May 19, 2019

Who do I contact if I have questions?

You can contact our Youth Engagement Coordinator, Paige Smith at or (503) 228-4185 ext. 306

Two types of member positions are available: Officers and At-Large


  • All Officers are required to attend any available in-person meetings and participate in all virtual meetings in addition to their specific officer role.
    • Co-Chairs
    • Secretary
    • Digital Historian
    • Social Media/Communications Lead


  • Follow the same duties as Officers, but have less demanding roles. At-Large members are required to attend at least one in-person meeting and participate in all virtual meetings.

Youth Delegates will:

  • Learn about health careers, governance structures, and policy
  • Explore Indigenous Leadership styles by strengthening networking skills and sharing their personal story
  • Enhance their relationship-building and team-work skills
  • Advocate for positive changes in healthcare and public health systems important to their Tribal communities

To be eligible, Youth Delegates:

  • Must be an enrolled member or descendant of one of the 43 NPAIHB member tribes located in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
  • Must be between the ages of 14-24.
  • Must have an interest in exploring a career in a health or wellness field.
  • Must be able and willing to participate in delegate trainings, projects and activities.
  • Must be prepared to represent themselves, their Tribe, NPAIHB, and the cohort of delegates with honor and respect at a regional and national level.
  • Must have access to social media, a phone and/or email account for regular communications with NPAIHB staff.

The application for the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) Youth Delegates is available here.

Have questions about the program? Want to learn more? Email:

Applications close 11:59 PM MAY 22, 2020

The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and We Are Healers are committed to supporting American Indian & Alaska Native youth (14-24 years old) interested in pursuing healthcare professions. Please consider hosting a student intern or connecting them to this paid job shadow opportunity.

Stipend: Selected youth will receive $600 to cover their internship time and/or travel.

Scope of Work: Host sites will provide student interns with hands-on training in health careers, health promotion strategies, research and evaluation methods, or community-based participatory research.

Duration: The timing and duration of the internship can be determined by the site. We’ve seen some internships last two weeks (working full time), and others last a semester (working a few hours per week).

Instructions: Please fill out an online application form:

  • Site Application Form. Priority will be given to sites who already have a youth intern identified, but applications will also be accepted from sites needing help finding a match.
  • Youth Stipend Application Form. Priority will be given to youth who already have an host site identified, but applications will also be accepted from youth needing help finding a match.

Eligible Participants 

  • American Indian or Alaska Native youth (14 to 24 years-old)
  • Interested in a health or wellness career

Eligible Internship Sites

  • IHS, Tribal or Urban Indian Clinics (I/T/U)
  • Indian Health Boards & Tribal Epidemiology Centers
  • Other clinics or health promotion agencies that serve AI/ANs

Number of Awards Available: 12 or more per year

Due: Applications will be filled on a rolling basis and are due by July 1, 2019.

Evaluation: At the end of the internship, we will ask you to complete this brief online Youth Feedback Form and Site Feedback Form, to help document internship activities and outcomes.

Payment Process: Unless otherwise requested, checks will be made out to the youth (requiring a social security number), but will be mailed to the host site for payment after the internship.

Can sites host more than one intern? Yes. Sites can host up to 4 student interns.

Want to work at the NPAIHB: Anyone interested in an Internship at the NPAIHB should also fill out the Board’s Internship Application Form, available here:

For More Information: Please contact Stephanie Craig Rushing ( or Paige Smith (

Thanks for all that you do!

Stephanie and Tana

2019-2020 NPAIHB Tribal Youth Delegates

The NPAIHB Tribal Youth Delegate program is a year-long initiative for young Native American leaders working toward health equity in their communities. The program connects emerging Native leaders from Idaho, Oregon and Washington to people, institutions, and other resources that can amplify Youth Delegate’s voices within broader movements. During the program, Youth Delegates are encouraged to apply for the We R Native Community Service Grant to start or enhance a project that elevates the presence of Native youth in health promotion movements.

Tribal Youth Delegates will convene at summer and winter Quarterly Board Meetings and virtually, to learn from tribal and non-tribal organizations and leaders in the health sector.

Later in the year, Tribal Youth Delegates will have the opportunity to present workshops and participate in the THRIVE Conference, hosted in Portland, OR and with the Administration for Native Americans I-LEAD Youth Summit.

The 2019-2020 class of NPAIHB Tribal Youth Delegates includes:

Nakota Brown* (Quinault), Jeidah DeZurney* (Siletz), Thea George-Garcia(Colville), Isabelle Grout (Grand Ronde), Adilia Hart* (Umatilla),Cheydon Herkshan* (Warm Springs), William Lucero* (Lummi), Maiya Martinez* (Spokane), Miranda Matt (Colville),Sadie Olsen* (Lummi), Lindsey Pasena Little Sky* (Pueblo of San Felipe – Umatilla Representative), Savanna Rilatos (Siletz),Isis Sanchey (Yakama),Josiah Spino* (Warm Springs)

*Second Year Delegate

Read more about the Tribal Youth Delegates and their work here:

The Tribal Youth Delegates Program is funded by the Administration for Native American’s I-LEAD grant.

Nakota Brown

Quinault Indian Nation

My birth name is Nakota Brown and I am 15 years old and going to be entering into the 10th grade at Hoquiam High School. I live in the village of Taholah within the boundaries of Quinault Indian Nation. My ancestral name is Sah-ah-lin which means “two men in one”. My parents are Aliza Brown (Quinault) and Daniel Brown (Muscogee Creek of Oklahoma) and I have a younger sister who is eight. I am a student athlete and work hard to maintain good grades. I am actively involved in my culture and enjoy dancing our elk song. I am a decent razor clam digger thanks to my grandfathers. I have goals to attend college and would love to play collegiate football or run track. I became involved with NPAIHB Youth Delegates to gain knowledge and experience in the issues that plague our many Nations today. I believe mental health and physical fitness are important factors in our overall well-being. I want to help youth see that going to counseling or seeking help when they need it is healthy and normal. There’s a stigma attached to seeking help and it prevents many youth from sorting out normal stages we go through in our coming of age. I also believe that our physical health is important and staying active is key to better health. My family stays active to reduce stress, have fun, gain strength and work to be our best selves. I am very thankful to NPAIHB for this opportunity to work within a group that is like-minded and while I am young within this group, I am learning a lot from my fellow delegates and our mentors. Siokwil.

Jeidah DeZurney

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

My name is Jeidah DeZurney and I am an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. I am currently going to be a junior at Willamette University where I am Vice President of the Native Indigenous Student Union. I also am on the track team, I throw the hammer, discus and shot put. I am studying Anthropology and minoring in Environmental science. I am serving as a 2019-2020 earth ambassador for the United National Indian Tribal Youth conference. This is my second term as a youth delegate and I am even more excited to see what opportunities rise. I originally applied to be able to learn more about health policies, what it takes to make them, and bring the knowledge  back to my community. I currently intern at NPAIHB, an opportunity brought to me because of the delegate program. We have already accomplished so much, but there is still so much we can do.

Thea George-Garcia

Colville Tribes

Way̓ x̌ast sx̌lx̌ʕalt (hello good day),

Iskʷíst (my name is) Thea George-Garcia, I am twenty years old. My parents are Kelli George and M. Shane Garcia. I am an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and descendant of the Nez Perce Tribe, Hopi Tribe, and Santo Domingo Pueblo.

Currently, I’m a senior at Eastern Washington University, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis on Health Services Administration, Sociology, and American Indian Studies. At EWU, I am the Public Relations for the Native American Student Association. I also am the Royalty Coordinator for Gathering at the Falls Powwow in Spokane, WA. This summer, I am doing an internship with my tribe, where I get to engage with our elders. I applied to be a Tribal Youth Delegate with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board because I am interested in learning more about Indian Health Services, health policies, and strengthening my communities.

limləmt (thank you)

Isabelle Grout

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Lush laXw-san (Good Afternoon), I’m Isabelle Grout 16, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.  I live on the reservation here in Grand Ronde, OR and am a Junior at Willamina High School.  I currently serve as Senior Miss Grand Ronde and on our Youth Council as Chairwomen.  I am also involved in many other activities at school and in my community.  My future plans are to become a Pediatric ICU Nurse, this is one of the biggest reasons I applied to become a NPAIHB Youth Delegate. Some issues that are close to my heart are helping teens like myself to cope with Anxiety/Depression.  Helping others love and accept each other whether they are LGBTQ+, in recovery, struggling with mental illness or just need a friend is one of my main focus’s in life.  I hope that serving on this Delegation will help me broaden my skills to help others wherever my adventures lead me. Hayu Masi (Many thanks) 

Adilia Hart

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

Coming soon 

Cheydon Herkshan

Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon

My name is Cheydon Herkshan and I am an enrolled tribal memeber of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. I am 17 years old and am in my senior year at Bridges High School in Madras, OR. I participate in many community activities and try my best to do services that will help better my communities. This is my second year as a Youth Delegate. I enjoy school and play on a lot of the sports teams, soccer being my favorite. I also currently work at the local Black Bear Diner as a hostess. After I graduate I plan to travel and then attend college. 

William Lucero

Lummi Nation

Hello, my name is William Lucero. I am 22 years of age and an enrolled member of the Lummi Nation. On the 15 of June 2019 I graduated from Eastern Washington University with my bachelor’s in criminal justice with a minor in American Indian Studies. I applied for the Tribal Youth Delegate Program with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board because health has always been a focus point of mine. For 11 years I had been actively involved with tobacco prevention through Lummi Nation’s Teens Against Tobacco Use youth group. Heath is more than mental and physical, it’s also, emotional and spiritual. In addition, health is impacted in different ways and possessing a degree in Criminal Justice brings perspective for a wide range of conversation. Other honors I have received are Champions for Change 2014, We R Native Youth Ambassador 2014-current, and Unity’s 25u25 2016.

Maiya Martinez

Spokane Tribe

Hello my name is Maiya Martinez. I am a Spokane tribal member and live on the Spokane Indian Reservation. I am currently enrolled as a Freshman at Saint Martins University in Lacey, WA. I decided to re apply to be a Tribal youth delegate because I want to learn more about what goes into building the structure of Indian health. I also wanted to continue pushing my comfort zone with my fellow delagates to grow confidence and become more prepared for my future and to serve others. 

Miranda Matt

Colville Tribes

way̓ x̌ast sx̌lx̌ʕalt 
good day
incá iskwíst
My name is Miranda Matt I’m 19 yrs old &  from Eastern Washington enrolled member of the Colville Confederated Tribes, during my time serving as a youth delegate I’d like to learn how the Heath policies work for our native people, I also want to bring some positive changes back to my community, I’m grateful for this opportunity to connect with other tribal youth & leaders I’m excited to see what us youth delegates can bring to the board.
thank you 

Sadie Olsen

Lummi Nation

Sadie Olsen is a 17 year old Native American female. Sadie is enrolled at Northwest Indian College as a running start student through Ferndale High School on a pathway to achieving a Bachelor’s degree in Indigenous Environmental Science. Ms. Olsen dreams of transferring to University of Victoria to study the traditional language of SENCOTEN and other salish languages, while studying environmental law. She wants to travel the world with the goal of learning, and developing a deep understanding of various Cultures and a wide array of topics. She hopes she can share her knowledge with her own local, tribal communities to be a healing factor in the cycle of historical trauma within aboriginal communities. She also has a life goal of bridging the gap between Western and Indigenous knowledge and social structure, as well as the boundaries of countries because spirit knows no borders. Throughout her life, she has been a kind and generous overachiever who loves to sing, and express herself through crafts, education, and cultural events. These passions have never faded. Sadie is a co-founder of a non-profit organization, WE – Whiteswan Environmental and a Co-Founding Board Member of Whatcom Intergenerational High School.

Lindsey Pasena-Littlesky

Pueblo of San Felipe (CTUIR Representative)

My name is Lindsey Pasena-Littlesky. I am 15 years old, a sophomore at Pendleton High School. My parents are Michelle Van Pelt and Damien Totus. My grandparents are Mike and Elvira Pasena. Also, Beau and Mary Littlesky. I am a proud enrolled member of the Pueblo of San Felipe located in New Mexico. I am also from the lower Hopi village of Munqupi and Oglala Lakota Nation. I live on the Umatilla Indian Reservation located in Mission, Oregon. Where I currently serve as the Vice Chair for the Confederated Tribes Of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Youth Council. I have served among my peers for three years on the Youth Council. I have learned many leadership qualities such as teamwork, patience, and public speaking. I am very active in my community helping at anytime I can. I also play sports such as lacrosse, basketball, softball, soccer, and volleyball. Playing sports also teaches me about leadership. My future goal is to continue to advocate for our tribal communities on a variety of critical issues vital to our survival. I also plan to prepare for my college in the area of law, climate change, and health. 

Savanna Rilatos

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

My name is Savanna Rilatos, I’m 21 years old and a proud member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz. I currently attend Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and will graduate in 2020 with degrees in Political Science and Ethnic Studies with a focus in Native/Indigenous Studies. I’m applying to the 5th year Masters or Art (MAT) in teaching for the fall of 2020, and then want to go on to law school to eventually pursue a career in law and policy. I currently serve as my tribes Miss Siletz, I am a 2019 UNITY Peer Guide, and was selected as a member of UNITY’s 2018 25 under 25 cohort. 

Isis Sanchey

Yakama Indian Nation

I am 17 years old and a senior at White Swan High School, I am also attending Heritage University studying nursing. I am a decedent of an enrolled Yakama member, I was born and raised on the Yakama Reservation. I also have Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Muckleshoot, Nez Perce, Dutch-Irish and African American ancestry. I have participated in the Pacific Northwest University’s Roots-to-Wings medical program for six years and am currently in my second summer as a youth intern at the medical university. I enjoy listening to music, spending time with friends and family, traveling, digging roots, picking berries and traditional fishing on the N’chi Wana, the Columbia River. My parents are Elizabeth Sanchey & Andre Ball. My maternal grandparents are Roger & Peggy Sanchey. 

Josiah Spino

Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon

Itúkdí kádux nygá ixcleú
My name is Josiah Spino, I am 16 years old; I am also a early graduate of Madras Highschool. I was born July/23/2002 on the WarmSprings reservation. My Indian Name is Tokuwakua given to me by my Great Grandfather John Buzz Nelson. I come from a long line of Hunters, Fishers, Gatherers and Weavers. I grew up a very traditional and outsider lifestyle which taught me how to walk both in the native and white mans world. During my free time I like to participate in rodeos. I compete in Professional Wild Horse Racing and is always willing to give a helping hand to my family when it comes to ranching needs. Such as Branding, Cutting, Fixing fence and catching wild horses.