IAB Teleconference
1. Roll-call, agenda-bash, administrivia, approval of minutes
1.1. Attendance
Stuart Cheshire
Ron Bonica (IESG Liaison to the IAB)
Vijay Gill
Russ Housley (IETF Chair)
John Klensin
Olaf Kolkman (IAB Chair)
Gregory Lebovitz
Danny McPherson
David Oran
Jon Peterson
Dow Street (IAB Executive Director)
Dave Thaler
Marcelo Bagnulo
Gonzalo Camarillo
Aaron Falk (IRTF Chair)
Sandy Ginoza (RFC Editor Liaison)
Andy Malis
Lynn St. Amour (ISOC Liaison)
1.2. Agenda
No agenda changes were made.
1.3. Administrivia
Russ noted that the IANA draft had recently expired, and Danny agreed to update it based on recent discussion.
1.4. Meeting Minutes
No meeting minutes were reviewed during this call.
2. IETF 75 Week in Review
The board briefly discussed the events of IETF 75, including the IAB coordination meeting with ISOC and the technical plenary. It was agreed that future coordination meetings with ISOC would be beneficial, but that some degree of pre-meeting information exchange would improve the dialogue. The group also considered the dividing line between IAB and ISOC activities, and decided to return to that question at a future point. The technical plenary was generally seen as positive, but no immediate IAB actions were identified. The board then returned to the topic of the CODEC BOF, and the potential for overlap / dispute with ITU-T work. It was agreed to conduct both formal liaising and informal coordination with the ITU on the matter.
3. IETF 76 Planning
3.1. Technical Plenary
Dave Thaler updated the group on the proposed IETF 76 plenary topic of “Encoding and Protocol Internationalization”. Dave then reviewed the goals for the session, which would focus on informing the IETF community of the issues in this space and beginning to provide guidance for new IETF work. An IAB draft on the topic is in the early stages.
Dave noted that some of this space had been covered a few years ago in presentations by Leslie Daigle, Ted Hardie, and John Klensin, but that there would be many in audience who would not have heard those talks, or would benefit from additional information (given the various nuances and complexity of the topic). The IAB agreed that the topic would make for a good plenary at IETF 76. John suggested adding the problem of “matching” to the plan, which already included encoding and mapping.
3.2. IAB Schedule at IETF 76
The board considered a few changes to the traditional IAB IETF schedule, including moving the Monday morning IAB/IESG topics to the Sunday joint session, shortening the IAB Sunday meeting, and scheduling an IAB Sunday dinner. Russ agreed to move the IAB/IESG “week ahead” meeting from Monday morning to Sunday afternoon. The proposed changes will also allow the IAB to participate more fully in the newcomer meet-and-greet, which has been seen as a particularly successful event at recent IETF meetings.
4. Update on Streams and IPR
Olaf had recently sent email summarizing the IPR questions for non- IETF stream documents (IAB, IRTF, and Independent). The goal is to determine a way forward for these streams that gives authors the option of full derivative rights or no derivative rights, without messing up the IETF stream requirements. Several I-Ds are currently being held until these questions are sorted out. There was agreement to move the discussion to the RFC-interest list.
5. Routing Security Recap
There was further discussion of the merits and drawbacks of a single root vs. multiple root system for the RPKI, the relation to trust anchors, the function of IANA, and the recent NRO statement. The group considered possible political implications of a single root system, and discussed examples of routing security mechanisms in the face of various military or nation-state actions. It was agreed that such entities would likely have exceptions and mitigations as part of their configuration anyway, whether or not the global system made use of a single or multiple roots. There was not yet consensus within the IAB on whether to make a recommendation on the matter, or what that recommendation would be. The issue will be taken to the IAB mailing list, and Danny agreed to begin drafting a document based on the list discussion.
6. Action Item Review
(deferred due to time constraints)
7. Document Status
(skipped due to time constraints)
8. ISE and RSE Candidates
The board decided to make the names of the RSE candidates public, and will inform the community that the candidate assessment period is about to begin. The ACEF committee will take the lead in interviewing RSE candidates and will report back to the IAB. It was agreed to leave the nomination period open a bit longer for the ISE position.
Olaf also noted that the RFC Editor Model document is in AUTH48, so any final review by IAB members will need to be completed within the next few days.