Free Online Polls

Use Online Survey Software to create free online polls in minutes. Fast, simple, and effective, with advanced reporting tools.

Points to remember when building your poll

Reduce length

Most participants are willing to spend on average up to five minutes completing a poll. In practice, this means that asking with more than 4-5 questions will reduce your response rate.

Seek simplicity

In a poll, short questions and short answers are best. Avoid asking open-ended questions, use descriptive text instead of numbers when presenting choices.

Encourage sharing

Include social tracking links in your thankyou page to encourage sharing on additional platforms, improving your overall sample size.

Engage respondents

Include visual, audio and video elements to help your poll stand out and effectively communicate your message to respondents.

Filter responses

Include question randomisation designed to capture inattentive or fake respondents. By automatically displaying question choices in a random order to every respondent you can filter out data that could skew your results.

Avoid binaries

Yes/No questions that lack any third option can create erroneous data. When confronted with binary questions, respondents will answer either yes or no when the real response may be entirely different.

Reassure respondents

Assure your participants that any personal data you ask for will be kept safe and won’t be shared with any third parties. By respecting respondent anonymity and stating this clearly at the start of your survey, you can increase the response rate.

What makes SmartSurvey right for you?

Choosing a the right online poll tool will allow users to successfully conduct their polls and benefit from the advanced features that are available. SmartSurvey offers the complete software solution so that you can create free online polls, distribute them with ease and collect reliable data in real time.


Polls, surveys, questionnaires, online forms, consultations, quizzes, you name it, we have it.

Nothing to install

No complicated installations or downloads, just sign up and create polls through your browser.

Easy to use

Intuitive user-led design, with easy to follow step-by-step guides.


Data encrypted during transit and at rest. ISO27001 and Cyber Security Essentials Plus certified.

Your data in one place

Connect your data with APIs, Zapier, Salesforce, Google Analytics, and more.


Help when you need it, through email and telephone.

You’re in safe hands

GDPR compliant logo
ISO 27001 Certified logo
HM Government G-Cloud Supplier logo
Cyber Essentials Plus logo
ICO logo
McAfee Secure logo
PCI DSS Compliant logo

Get started now

Create powerful online polls with our user-friendly yet advanced software.