
Discover why companies of all sizes use SmartSurvey

What is Market Research?

You’re likely familiar with the term market research and intuitively understand parts of its meaning but what is market research exactly and what’s involved?

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Open Questions - The Complete Guide

Open-ended questions are vital to gain valuable insights from survey participants or to better understand your customers, employees or audience.

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Primary Research Methods Explained

If you're looking for targeted, relevant data which is optimised for your specific needs, primary research could be the solution. But what is primary research and how does it differ from secondary research?

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Survey vs Questionnaire - Difference and Definitions

Confused about the difference between surveys and questionnaires? Read our 5 minute guide to the meaning behind each term and how they relate.

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How to Calculate Sample Size

One of the most challenging things for marketers and researchers is determining and defining the right sample size. Read our guide on how to calculate the sample size you need for your survey.

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Closed Questions Explained

There are broadly two types of questions in research - open and closed questions. Read how close-ended questions are used to effectively gather data.

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GDPR Compliance with data collection

If you are collecting data from EU citizens, including your own employees, then GDPR applies to you, even if you are based in a country outside the EU.

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10 Advantages of Online Surveys

Online surveys are a great way to reach and engage with your target audience

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6 Steps To Conducting An Online Survey

The anonymity that the Internet provides makes it the ideal environment for asking your customers what they really think about your business, product, or service.

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Using Employee Attitude Surveys

The employee attitude survey is a management tool business owners or managers use to learn about the views and opinions of their employees on issues pertaining to the company and their role within the organisation.

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10 Tips For Creating An Effective Online Survey

We're here to help you build the best surveys possible.

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The Importance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Successful business owners and managers quickly realise that keeping customers costs less than finding new ones.

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100% personal, one-to-one online service

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