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jsDelivr API

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The API is free to use and imposes no rate limits. However, if you plan to make 100+ RPM for longer periods of time, you should contact us first. Please note that usage statistics are available with a 48 hour delay. We only have data starting from Aug 19, 2017 and data older than one year may not be available.

Let us know how you use this API

If you create a tool/plugin/etc. which uses this API, please include a link to your tool in the User-Agent header so that we can learn more about how this API is being used.


Neither jsDelivr CDN nor this API supports packages larger than 50 MB for GitHub and 100 MB for npm. Trying to get a list of files using the API will result in a 403 response.


  • All responses are in JSON.
  • All error responses have status and message properties.
  • Additional query string options are supported where appropriate.

The jsDelivr API allows you to:

List package versions

 - name: npm package name

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name


// =>
    "tags": {
        "beta": "3.2.1",
        "latest": "3.2.1"
    "versions": [

List package files

 - name: npm package name
 - version: exact package version (not a version range)
 - structure: "tree" or "flat"; defaults to "tree"

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - version: exact package version (not a version range) or a commit hash
 - structure: "tree" or "flat"; defaults to "tree"


// =>
    "default": "/dist/jquery.min.js",
    "files": [
            "type": "directory",
            "name": "dist",
            "files": [
                    "type": "file",
                    "name": "core.js",
                    "hash": "BSsbXsDErniq/HpuhULFor8x1CpA2sPPwQLlEoEri+0=", // base64-encoded sha256
                    "time": "2017-03-20T19:01:15.000Z",
                    "size": 11197
                    "type": "file",
                    "name": "jquery.js",
                    "hash": "DZAnKJ/6XZ9si04Hgrsxu/8s717jcIzLy3oi35EouyE=",
                    "time": "2017-03-20T19:01:15.000Z",
                    "size": 268039
                    "type": "file",
                    "name": "jquery.min.js",
                    "hash": "hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=",
                    "time": "2017-03-20T19:01:15.000Z",
                    "size": 86659

Resolve a version range

 - name: npm package name
 - range: any valid semver version range

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - range: any valid semver version range


// =>
    "version": "3.2.1"

Get package usage stats

 - name: npm package name
 - groupBy: "version" or "date"; defaults to "version"
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - groupBy: "version" or "date"; defaults to "version"
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"


// =>
    "rank": 7, // number of packages with more hits; null if the package doesn't have any hits
    "total": 122152394,
    "versions": {
        "2.2.4": {
            "total": 39473984,
            "dates": {
                "2017-07-16": 2013667,
                "2017-07-17": 4136315,
                "2017-07-18": 4006439,
        "3.0.0-rc1": {
            "total": 14547754,
            "dates": {
                "2017-07-16": 891674,
                "2017-07-17": 1852922,
                "2017-07-18": 1571811,
    "commits": {} // same structure as "versions"; always empty for npm packages

Get package version usage stats

 - name: npm package name
 - version: exact package version (not a version range)
 - groupBy: "file" or "date"; defaults to "file"
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - version: exact package version (not a version range) or a commit hash
 - groupBy: "file" or "date"; defaults to "file"
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"


// =>
    "total": 837129,
    "files": {
        "/dist/jquery.js": {
            "total": 987,
            "dates": {
                "2017-07-16": 19,
                "2017-07-17": 108,
                "2017-07-18": 84,
                "2017-07-19": 158,
        "/dist/jquery.min.js": {
            "total": 732301,
            "dates": {
                "2017-07-16": 25844,
                "2017-07-17": 72004,
                "2017-07-18": 70519,

Get the most popular packages

 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"


// =>
        "hits": 552050612,
        "type": "npm",
        "name": "slick-carousel"
        "hits": 414990868,
        "type": "npm",
        "name": "webshim"
        "hits": 219178863,
        "type": "npm",
        "name": "emojione"

Get a badge for your project

 - name: npm package name
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"


Get a rank badge for your project

 - name: npm package name
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"

 - user: GitHub username
 - repo: GitHub repository name
 - period: "day", "week", "month", or "year"; defaults to "month"


Get a CDN link/metadata from file hash

 - hash: hex-encoded sha256 of file contents

Works only for files which were accessed at least once via our CDN. If there are multiple files with the same hash, the one which was accessed first via the CDN is returned.


// =>
    "type": "npm",
    "name": "jquery",
    "version": "3.2.1",
    "file": "/dist/jquery.min.js"

Search npm packages

There is no search endpoint in this API because there are already two other APIs for that:

Query string options

All invalid values are ignored.

Description Format Notes
Limit ?limit=number max 100
Page ?page=number

Production config

module.exports = {
    server: {
        port: 'SERVER_PORT', // defaults to 4454
        debugToken: 'SERVER_DEBUG_TOKEN' // The debug endpoint will be available at /debug/SERVER_DEBUG_TOKEN
    db: {
        connection: {
            host: 'DB_CONNECTION_HOST', // defaults to localhost
            port: 'DB_CONNECTION_PORT', // defaults to 3306
            user: 'DB_CONNECTION_USER',
            password: 'DB_CONNECTION_PASSWORD',
            database: 'DB_CONNECTION_DATABASE', // defaults to jsdelivr-stats
    redis: {
        db: 'REDIS_DB', // defaults to 0
        host: 'REDIS_HOST',
        port: 'REDIS_PORT',
        password: 'REDIS_PASSWORD',
    v1: {
        gh: {
            apiToken: 'V_1_GH_API_TOKEN',

Additionally, ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL, ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN, ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL (including user + pass), and NODE_ENV=production should be set.