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An uploadable media file such as an image, audio or video clip, or document, is an open educational resource or learning resource type which you can create for and place on Wikiversity. This page will help you upload and use such media files on Wikiversity. If you use media with your educational resources, you will improve their quality and people will enjoy them more.

Using existing media files[edit | edit source]

This is the easiest way to find media for your educational project.

Wikimedia Commons is a repository of over two million media items, all of which you can instantly use in your learning resources on Wikiversity. You just need to find some suitable items over at Wikimedia Commons, and then insert a short piece of code into your page to use it.

See also: Educational Media Awareness Campaign, a project which guides you through uses of Wikimedia Commons and showcases the use of Commons materials in the creation of educational resources.

Uploading files[edit | edit source]

You can upload a file to Wikiversity using the Special:Upload form, or by clicking the "Upload file" in the left-hand sidebar.

Wikiversity allows a number of file formats to be uploaded to Wikiversity - though it is recommended to upload images etc to Commons in order to allow maximum usage. However, Wikiversity does not allow uploading of non-free formats, such as MP3, MOV, and SWF. Free alternatives to most common formats are available - it is recommended to convert formats to free versions in order to upload to Wikiversity, Commons, or other Wikimedia sites. Both the content and the format need to be free in order to be allowed on Wikiversity - see Wikiversity:Copyrights

When you upload a file, Wikiversity's software will add it to the "Image" namespace - even if it is not an image. This means that if the file is called "Oak_tree.jpg" on your computer, it will be saved at "File:Oak_tree.jpg" on Wikiversity. It is helpful if you choose the title of your file carefully before uploading it (perhaps by renaming or using "save as" on your computer).

Uploadable filetypes[edit | edit source]

The uploadable filetypes are as follows:

  • PNG (images, such as diagrams)
  • JPG (images, such as photos)
  • GIF (best used only for animation)
  • SVG (images, for very high quality diagrams)
  • OGG (a media format for audio and video, vaguely similar in function to MP3)
  • PDF (for documents)
  • XCF
  • MID
  • DJVU

The maximum upload size is 20 MB.

Image files[edit | edit source]

You either use images already uploaded to Wiki commons or you can upload images if they have appropriate open licenses.

PDF files[edit | edit source]

You can upload a pdf file exactly like an image file. However, you cannot embed a PDF file within a page - instead you need to link to it. You can use the [[File:Name.pdf]] syntax similar to above - which will link to a page with the pdf file, which you can open or download.

In order to 'bypass' the file view, and link people directly to the image view, use "Media" instead of "Image", ie [[Media:Name.pdf]]

You cannot view the pdf file directly. It must be viewed by a helper application from your browser.

OGG Audio vs. OGG Movies[edit | edit source]

OGG Sound Files
OGG sound files are a different format than OGG movie files. Wikiversity does not handle the difference well. Most browsers don't work well with the difference between audio and movie OGG files.
OGG Movie Files
This is a new addition. See Wikipedia:Media help to get info about getting OGG files to play on your computer.

Sound-only OGG files[edit | edit source]

Upload a OGG file exactly like an image file.
Change the word "Image" to "Media" to use the file in your lessons or to access the files. Even then, your browser will not play OGG files. Instead they must be downloaded to your hard drive and played with a third party application.
No other sound files work in Wikiversity, including WAV AIFF, etc. Uploading a file format that is not currently allowed on Wikiversity will give an error message.
To Listen to OGG files
Here is info on playing media files
To put OGG files in your lessons
An OGG file can be put in a lesson simply by saying [[Media:The file name without the word "Image" at the beginning | Any name you wish to call the sound file]]
A second way to put OGG files in your lesson pages is to use a templace called "audio". To do this you type: {{audio | The OGG file name without the word "Image" at the beginning | Any name you want to appear in your lesson}}.
About this sound  Click here  to listen to a short sample created by a non-talented filmmaker.
This appears similar to typing this:
Speaker Icon.svg Click here to listen to a short sample created by a non-talented filmmaker.
Musical note nicu bucule 01 blue2.png Click here to listen to a short sample created by a non-talented filmmaker.
(Click on edit this page to see the coding for these last two examples.)

ODT[edit | edit source]

Midi files[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]

Images can be embedded into Wikiversity pages, whether from existing images on Wiki commons or Wikiversity, or you can upload images yourself if they have appropriate open licenses.

Embedding an image[edit | edit source]

An example of an image file which has been uploaded to Wiki commons is File:Happy face.svg.

To place (or "embed") this image, simply use [[File:Happy face.svg‎]] in a page where you want the image to appear. You can also use the "embedded file" tool which is in the editing toolbar.

Reducing the size of an image file[edit | edit source]

By default the image will often be too large, but it can be re-sized e.g., like this [[File:Happy face.svg‎|200px]] - where "200px" indicates a width of 200 pixels (note the vertical bar | - it is not the letter l)

and you will see this Happy face.svg

To make it even smaller, for example, try [[File:Happy face.svg‎|50px]]

and you will see this Happy face.svg
A thumbnail image.

Creating a thumbnail image[edit | edit source]

You can create "thumbnails" (provides a frame and a space for a caption) using: [[File:Happy face.svg|thumb|80px|A face]] Adding a caption is optional.

Aligning an image[edit | edit source]

Alignment is optional. Options are: Left (default), center, or right.

A left-aligned thumbnail image.
A right-aligned thumbnail image.
A centre-aligned thumbnail image.

The images above were created with this syntax:
[[File:Cscr-featured.svg|thumb|80px|left|A left-aligned thumbnail image.]]
[[File:Cscr-featured.svg|thumb|80px|right|A right-aligned thumbnail image.]]
[[File:Cscr-featured.svg|thumb|80px|center|A centre-aligned thumbnail image.]]

Creating a gallery of images[edit | edit source]

You can add a gallery of images to a page by adding the <gallery> tag. For example adding:

File:Abies concolor leaves.jpg
File:Pinus strobus needles.jpg
File:Needle Leaves at Tree Top.jpg
File:Hjálmfura 02-5d.jpg|5 day old Pinus pinea
File:Seekiefer (Pinus halepensis) 9months-fromtop.jpg|9 months old Pinus halepensis from the top


Note that sizing of images is automatic, but that image descriptions may be added. Note also that the double brackets (as in [[File:Fichtennadel.jpg]]) are not used.

Linking to an image[edit | edit source]

If you want to link to an image, and not embed it onto a page, you can use a colon before the image name. For example, [[:File:Fichtennadel.jpg]] - giving: File:Fichtennadel.jpg

See also[edit | edit source]