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Passionate about supporting your local developer community but can’t find Developer Circles near you?


What are Developer Circles?

Developer Circles is a program designed to create locally organized communities for developers. These communities are nurtured to educate and provide a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing around topics that are top-of-mind for developers in a particular market. Anyone can apply to become a lead of a local Developer Circle at by submitting this form.

What are the topics discussed in Developer Circles?

Topics discussed range from: Facebook products, open source technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and blockchain among others. The topics are determined by what's most relevant to the specific Developer Circle.

How do developers qualify for the program?

Anyone with a technical interest in coding or topics related to development is welcome to join Developer Circles. There is no application necessary and membership is completely free. Find your local Developer Circles Facebook group and click to join.

Why has Facebook created this program?

Facebook is a company that grew from the developer community, and Developer Circles is a program aimed at making local developers stronger at a global scale. We are creating communities for developers to collaborate and share knowledge because we believe in empowering developers around the world to learn from each other, and benefit from the products, services and best-practices that Facebook has established.

How do people apply to be a Developer Circles lead?

Passionate community leaders can apply to lead a Developer Circle by navigating to the Find a Circle section and selecting the city for which they would want to apply. If there isn't an open circle in the city selected, the option to apply to become a lead will appear. You'll also see the option if the existing circle is taking new applications for leads.

Are Developer Circles leads compensated by Facebook?

No, participation as a Developer Circle lead is completely voluntary.

Are leads sponsored by Facebook in any way?

Developer Circles leads are selected by Facebook via application, but they are not sponsored or endorsed by Facebook in any way.

Does Facebook mandate what topics are discussed or shared as part of Developer Circles meetups?

No, discussion topics are at the discretion of Developer Circles leads and they're dictated by the needs, interests and priorities of the community.

What is the incentive for someone to be a Developer Circle lead?

Developer Circles leads are people motivated by community organizing, collaboration and sharing their knowledge. While leads are not incentivized or compensated by Facebook, successful Developer Circles leads have a unique opportunity to support and give back to their local developer ecosystems, build their leadership skills, and elevate their profile within local communities. You can find our leads profiles here.

Where is the program available?

The program is available globally. New Developer Circles will continue to be added as developers apply to start their own around the world. We currently have over 130 active Developer Circles, with more being added every week as people apply to create circles in their local communities.