• Birthing & Lactation Support

  • Birthing Services

    Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Course
    This 6 week class covers comfort measures and coping skills, partner support, labor and birth positions, your birthing rights, advocacy skills, current research on common interventions and much more.e  Unique class format meets twice in-person (first and last class) and four times via Zoom meeting, allowing you and your birth partner to participate from  the comfort or your home or while traveling.

    Due to health and safety considerations related to COVID-19, Nature's Playhouse is excited to partner with Sharon Quinn, EBB Birth Instructor for these entirely online classes.  For more information click here.

    Hypnobirthing is a unique method of natural childbirth education, that involves methods of relaxation, breathing techniques and visualization -all of which allow women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birth.

  • Initial Home Visit $175
    (1-1.5 hrs)
    This appointment will include:

    A comprehensive overview of intake forms
    Maternal breast assessment
    Infant assessment
    Weight check/weighted feed
    Feeding observation
    Latch technique education
    Position technique education
    Address concerns or challenges
    Create a Customized Care Plan unique to your individual needs
    Create a Customized Follow-Up Plan
    Connect you with community resources, referrals and support

    Follow-Up Home Visit $135
    This appointment will include:

    Weight check/weighted feed
    Feeding observation
    Address concerns or challenges
    Reinforce Customized Care Plan unique to your individual needs
    Reassess a Customized Follow-Up Plan
    Connect you with Community resources, referrals and support

     Weight-Check $49
    (30 mins)
    This appointment will include: 

    Weight check/weighted feed

    Breast Pump Consult/Fitting $75
    (30-45 mins)
    This appointment will include: 

    Pump education
    Assessment of flange size
    Pumping technique education to maximize output
    Collection/storage of human milk

    Return to Work $75
    (30-40 mins)
    This appointment will include:

    Pump education
    Assessment of flange size
    Pumping technique education to maximize output
    Collection/storage of human milk
    Create a Customized Return to Work Plan unique to your individual needs

    In-Home Prenatal Infant Feeding Class​ (Mom/Partner) $135
    (1.5 hrs)
    ​This appointment will include:

    Importance of human milk
    How to establish and maintain adequate milk production
    Latching technique education and demonstration
    Positioning technique education and demonstration
    What to expect at the hospital
    Transitioning home from the hospital
    Common concerns and challenges
    Resources and referrals
    Importance of community-based support