The World’s Most Important Gathering of CSCOs and Supply Chain Executives™

20 – 22 September 2021 | Barcelona, Spain

Transform, redefine and innovate your supply chain strategy

Supply chain leaders and executives joined Gartner experts and leading industry speakers virtually, over three days to share valuable insights on how to successfully navigate the turns. The conference offered the tools needed to help leaders prepare their supply chains to think and act differently in the future. 

At the conference, the top 5 priorities that supply chain leaders met on included:

  1. Developing a Supply Chain Strategy for 2030
  2. Supply Chain Leadership 
  3. Developing an Agile Supply Chain Culture
  4. Winning in the Digital Era 
  5. Digital Supply Chain Transformation 

We hope you enjoyed the 2020 virtual conference! If you missed it, view the brochure to see what was covered.

The program for the 2021 Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo™ in Barcelona, Spain is underway and we look forward to sharing details shortly.


Understand key supply chain trends during short- and long-term recovery, and learn how peers are responding to risk as they develop resilient and agile strategies.

Cost optimization

Invest in operating capabilities that deliver agility and competitive advantage. Discover how to engage business stakeholders in discussions about opportunities to shift investments during a turn.


Create a responsive supply chain organization to deliver exceptional customer experiences and persuade leadership that the need for talent does not switch on and off as economic cycles change.

We are very excited about this program. It has been built based on latest research and insights gleaned from hundreds of inquiries our team has had with our client base. We will be featuring some prominent industry speakers as well.  We believe that whether you are the CSCO or manage one of the critical roles reporting into that office, you and your entire team will find these three days productive in terms of managing what’s in front of you and preparing for what lies ahead.

David Gonzalez

VP Analyst and Conference Chair

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    Join a global community of CSCOs and supply chain executives

    Our virtual conference offered attendees one place to access research-backed sessions, get expert advice and problem-solve with colleagues. Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo™ addressed the strategic needs of chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) and supply chain executives. 

    Successful CSCOs must respond to internal and external forces by setting up a strategy driving an innovative and cost-optimized supply chain.
    • Drive cost optimization initiatives 
    • Advance supply chain maturity 
    • Advance supply chain digital transformation 
    • Attract and retain top supply chain talent 
    Supply chains must design mature planning processes that are robust yet agile enough to meet changing business priorities.
    • Measure maturity and advance your planning process through Gartner’s proprietary, fact-based content 
    • Design, define and align your sales and operations planning process through an unmatched network of peers and expert insights 
    • Develop and orchestrate a demand-driven value network throughout your business in order to optimize costs and forecast accurately 
    Planning effectively for turbulent times is essential to ensure that procurement meets business expectations without jeopardizing its long-term goals or introducing unnecessary risks.
    • Improve your strategic sourcing capabilities 
    • Drive cost optimization across the business 
    • Effectively manage your vendor network 
    • Communicate your value back to the business 
    While volatile market conditions and economic pressures are narrowing the focuses on optimizing costs, quality and capacity utilization, the time to take action is now.
    • Optimize manufacturing operations strategy and performance 
    • Mature your manufacturing capabilities while meeting the demands for higher performance 
    • Ensure quality throughout the manufacturing process 
    • Identify emerging technology 
    Design and manage a logistics organization that offers consistent and reliable delivery services, yet can adapt to provide segmented customer requirements.
    • Coordinate and improve inventory management 
    • Implement new technologies that enable visibility 
    • Optimize cycle time improvement 
    • Define, develop and deploy digital opportunities across the logistics function 
    Improve customer service and fulfillment in supply chain.
    • Build cross-functional relationships and embrace technology 
    • Deliver an improved customer experience 
    • Deliver agile and responsive service while optimizing cost and inventory levels 
    • Improve fill rate and on-time results 

    2020 Tracks at a Glance

    Explore last year's tracks built upon our latest research that addressed the challenges most critical to supply chain leaders.

    Track A

    Chief Supply Chain Officers: Strategy and Trends

    This track is for CSCOs and heads of supply chain strategy looking to find both inspiration and guidance in designing and planning for future trends and disruptions, and creating a supply chain strategy to navigate in the turns.

    Track B

    Chief Supply Chain Officers: Leadership and Governance

    The Leadership and Governance track provides inspiration and how-to’s for those looking to lead, govern and mature their organization to the demand-driven value network leadership aspiration, and helps you to integrate the end-to-end supply chain to support growth, optimize costs and manage complexity in the digital age.

    Track C

    Supply Chain Planning

    In an environment of political and economic uncertainty, fast and efficient decision making throughout sales and operations planning (S&OP) becomes more crucial than ever. This track offers insights for supply chain planning leaders on how to improve their process, organization, metrics and technology to further improve business performance in the turns.

    Track D

    Sourcing and Procurement

    Changing market dynamics are transforming the way procurement organizations interact with their internal customers and suppliers, forcing chief procurement officers (CPOs) to rethink their strategies for delivering business value. This track provides insights and frameworks to help CPOs deliver on their strategy, cost and talent objectives while creating new ways to add value to advance procurement’s strategic influence in the business.

    Track E

    Manufacturing Operations and Quality

    Business models are changing dramatically, customer expectations are heightening, lead times are shortening, and revolutionary new technology capabilities continue to emerge. This track cuts through the hype and provides CSCOs and manufacturing leaders the tactics and practical ways to unlock manufacturing’s ability to create and deliver the next level of value.

    Track F

    Logistics and Customer Fulfillment

    The future of logistics and customer fulfillment strategy and operations will be shaped by quickly evolving digital imperatives, complex supply chain trading partner ecosystems and transformative customer demands. This track helps inform and guide logistics and customer fulfillment leaders as they navigate and operate within a state of rapid change to deliver capabilities and outcomes required to secure both current and future competitive advantage.

    Track G

    Supply Chain Technology

    Strategic technology trends have the potential to drive significant disruption and deliver substantial opportunity. Supply chain IT leaders face the challenge of how to build the much-needed digital foundation. This track provides relevant, unbiased, practical insights and advice that inform decisions on technology acquisitions to advance in the digital journey.

    Track H


    Opportunities for value creation and stakeholder pressure are putting sustainability firmly on the agenda for supply chain professionals. This track provides insight into the sustainability strategies of tomorrow, where organizations shift their operating model to enable the circular economy, offering an advantage over competitors.

    Track I

    Customer Experience

    Increasingly, being competitive requires organizations to understand and adapt more quickly to their customers’ experience. This track informs and guides supply chain leaders in developing customer-centricity and designing solutions to enhance the customer experience.

    Track J

    Culture of Quality

    Quality has never mattered more. New technologies have empowered customers to seek out and compare an endless array of products from around the globe. Building a strong quality image can not only help companies avoid the next round of viral consumer punishment, but can also lead to significant competitive advantage. This track explores how to build and sustain a strong culture of quality.

    Industry Track A

    Life Sciences

    Winning in the turns requires focusing on supply chain strategy, cost optimization and talent development for healthcare life science companies. This exchange provides healthcare provider, life science manufacturer, distributor and retail pharmacy supply chain leaders ways to build capabilities in innovation, collaboration and alignment to improve human health.

    Industry Track B

    High-Tech Manufacturing

    High-tech leaders are deploying new capabilities across their supply chains and businesses to make better decisions faster, to keep up the clock speed of business. This track helps high-tech supply chain leaders who are not only looking at the increasingly challenging environment and trying to understand the risks, but also what opportunities it presents. Awareness of the macro trends strategies leaders are employing and ways to mitigate risks are key areas of focus.

    Industry Track C

    Industrial Manufacturing

    Industrial manufacturing leaders are deploying advances in automation, analytics and visibility as capabilities across their businesses from planning to operations and logistics increase. This track is for supply chain leaders in the industrial manufacturing industry who are balancing innovation with fiscal discipline while driving deep transformations in their supply chain network.

    Industry Track D

    Consumer-Retail Exchange

    Retail and consumer products supply chains are in an evolutionary period where consumers are continually changing, with expanding expectations, including social and sustainability issues. This exchange has been developed for supply chain leaders in the retail and consumer products industry who are ready to respond to this challenging environment, building out core capabilities and complementing them with innovative new ways of working to deliver an exceptional customer experience.


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