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The Alternative Dispute Resolution for California (ADRCal) Resource Directory provides information and resources for special educators, parents, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs), and districts across California. ADRCal offers resources to diminish conflict and improve partnerships and relationships. In addition, these resources may assist in reducing formal complaints, due process filings, and associated costs.


The ADR Coaches are a group of diverse and skillful neutrals with experience in special education to assist Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes that effectively mitigate disputes related to learning loss and challenges due to the impact of distance learning mandates caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on students within the special education setting.  Find a list a coaches and learn more about each here: ADR Coaches You can also download a handy, two-page chart with the ADR Coach Areas of Expertise (opens in a new tab).

The ADR Coaches were selected through an RFA process.  All applications were reviewed by a committee made up of ADR CoP members. Please note, the coaches have not been vetted by the California Department of Education. This program is provided as an additional resource for SELPAs.

ADRCal is interested in hearing your thoughts about the ADR Coaches Program. Please share your feedback through an anonymous Google Form. (You will have the option to leave your name and contact information if you wish.)

OSEP FAQ on Part B Dispute Resolution under COVID-19

This FAQ document (PDF opens in new tab) was published on June 22, 2020.


Contact a Colleague Brochure - Outside

Contact a Colleague Brochure - Inside

Sometimes you just need to communicate with someone in the trenches...and that's what our Contact a Colleague brochure is all about.  Members of the ADRCal Community of Practice have made themselves available to you to discuss topics related to ADR.  


Better than Court:  Using Alternative Dispute Resolution Grants in Special Education

This paper describes how California’s ADR funds were spent, convey perspectives of grant recipients, and make recommendations for future funding.  The data shared demonstrates that Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) systems are proving to have a positive impact on collaboration, conflict resolution, and due process and compliance complaint avoidance.


If you know of a resource that would enhance the Resource Directory offerings, please contact, Susan Stewart. We encourage submissions of locally developed tools and documents. ADRCal will periodically review the recommended resources.


For more information about ADRCal, or questions regarding the content found on this site, please contact:

Susan Stewart, Educational Technology Manager
Special Education Alternative Dispute Resolution
Napa County Office of Education