
More Breastfeeding

How to breastfeed

Breastfeeding for beginners

If breastfeeding's new to you, here's how to start, how long you can do it for, and your rights in public and at work.

How to tell if your newborn is getting enough breastmilk

Preparing to breastfeed

Good positions for breastfeeding

How your body makes breastmilk

See all in How to breastfeed

Breastfeeding support and tips

What I wish I'd known about breastfeeding

Good support can really help when it comes to breastfeeding. Read other mums' experiences, tips and advice to help solve problems and keep you motivated.

Extended breastfeeding

How can I include my partner when I breastfeed?

Do I have to breastfeed if I don't want to?

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

See all in Breastfeeding support and tips

Breastfeeding problems and solutions

Sore nipples

Sore nipples are common to new breastfeeding mums, but severe pain is a sign that you need to make changes. Find out what's causing the soreness and how to treat it.

Engorged breasts


Leaking breasts

Breastfeeding and thrush

See all in Breastfeeding problems and solutions

What to eat and drink when you're breastfeeding

Foods to avoid when breastfeeding

You can mostly eat what you like when you're breastfeeding – as long as it's healthy. Occasionally, though, substances in breastmilk can upset some babies. If you think your baby is reacting to your milk, find out what steps, if any, you should take.

Diet for a healthy breastfeeding mum

Caffeine and breastfeeding

What can I eat and drink when I'm breastfeeding?

Is it safe to eat spicy food when pregnant or breastfeeding?

See all in What to eat and drink when you're breastfeeding

Pumping and expressing breastmilk

Expressing breastmilk

"Expressing" means taking milk from your breast without your baby suckling. You can use a pump or you can do it by hand. Find out the easiest ways to express and store your milk.

Expressing breastmilk at work

How can I express my milk by hand?

What's the best way to store breastmilk?

How can I express more milk?

See all in Pumping and expressing breastmilk

Stopping breastfeeding

When should I stop breastfeeding?

It’s best to give your baby nothing but breastmilk for the first six months. After that, you can go on breastfeeding for as long as you both are happy to.

How to stop breastfeeding

How to handle pressure to stop breastfeeding

My baby isn't ready to stop breastfeeding. What should I do?

See all in Stopping breastfeeding

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