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Every night, families are at risk
of mosquitoes carrying malaria

Night has fallen*

Until Nightfall*

Every day, you can help
protect them with nets

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*Based on your location

We can be the generation to defeat malaria.

About Nothing But Nets

Every two minutes, a child dies from malaria – a deadly, yet preventable disease. The United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign is the world’s largest grassroots campaign working together to save lives by bringing together UN partners, advocates, and organizations, to raise awareness, funds, and voices to protect vulnerable families from malaria. Together from students to superstars to CEOs, let’s end malaria for good.

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What is malaria?

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What is malaria?

Every two minutes, a child dies from malaria, a disease caused by a single mosquito bite. Malaria is preventable and treatable with a life-saving, insecticide-treated bed net and other malaria prevention tools and treatment. Half of the world’s population is at risk of contracting malaria, and refugees, pregnant women, and children are most vulnerable to this disease.

More About Malaria
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How can malaria be defeated?

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How can malaria be defeated?

Bed nets are a simple, cost-effective solution to keep families safe from malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Combined with household spraying, malaria testing and treatment, and vaccines in development, we are making progress in the fight to end malaria for good.

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Who needs your help?

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Who needs your help?

We work with our UN partners to protect refugees and families who are most vulnerable to malaria. Some have fled conflict, others have been displaced by natural disasters or political unrest and have left everything behind. After all they have endured, these families shouldn’t have to fear a deadly mosquito bite.

Read their Stories
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Ways to Take Action

You can help us defeat malaria for good.

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Raise Your Voice

Strong U.S. leadership and funding is critical to ending malaria. From contacting your members of Congress to hosting an advocacy event, make your voice heard today.

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