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US Charities offering employment assistance: Organizations that did not advance past Round 1

A note on this page's publication date

The content on this page has not been recently updated. This content is likely to be no longer fully accurate, both with respect to the research it presents and with respect to what it implies about our views and positions.

These organizations applied for a grant GiveWell offered in 2007 under the category Cause 5: Employment Assistance, but did not advance past our Round 1 screen, which aimed at finding charities with strong self-documentation (based on our principle of focusing on already-proven programs). Note that unlike other evaluators, we put a lot of investigation into the organizations we find most promising, and de-prioritize others based on limited information. The following write-up should be viewed in this context: it explains why we determined that we wouldn't be prioritizing the organizations in question as potential grant recipients. This write-up should not be taken as a "negative rating" of these charities. Rather, it is our attempt to be as transparent as possible about the process by which we came to our top recommendations. For more on our process see our How We Identify Top Charities page.

Specifics of why organizations did not advance

We used the following criteria in conducting our Round 1 screen of organizations offering employment assistance:

  1. We received data not just on how many people have been placed in jobs, but how many have remained in those jobs 3-24 months later.
  2. Or, we were given such a thorough description of the jobs (and job markets) these organizations' prepare clients for that we felt we had a strong sense of likely outcomes for their clients.

The organizations listed here did not provide us the above information. It's possible that they have the information we want, and didn't send it due to misinterpretations of our application, time constraints, or other reasons. But due to time constraints of our own, we opted to focus on the applicants that seemed most promising.

Organizations that applied for funding under Cause 5: Employment Assistance

1199 Seiu-league Grant Corporation

Materials submitted in 2007

Accion New York Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

Business Outreach Center Network Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

Council Of Jewish Organization Of Flatbush Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

  • Council Of Jewish Organization Of Flatbush Inc. COJO Brochure (2007) (PDF).
  • Council Of Jewish Organization Of Flatbush Inc. Cause 5 Round 1 (2007) (DOC).
  • Note - other materials were sent but are available in hard copy only

Henry Street Settlement

Materials submitted in 2007

Jericho Project

Materials submitted in 2007

New York City Rescue Mission

Materials submitted in 2007

Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp

Materials submitted in 2007

Praxis Housing Initiatives Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

Settlement Housing Fund Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

The Door - A Center Of Alternatives Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

  • The Door - A Center Of Alternatives Inc. Application (2007) (DOC).
  • Note - an outcomes report was attached but labeled confidential

Womens Venture Fund Inc

Materials submitted in 2007

  • Note - all materials withheld due to confidentiality request

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