Sponsored Display

Sponsored Display is a self-service display advertising solution that helps you grow your business and brand on Amazon by engaging shoppers across the purchase journey, on and off Amazon.

Why use Sponsored Display

Reach the right audience for your business both on and off Amazon with display campaigns you can create in minutes.

Help grow your on-Amazon business

Reach relevant audiences who are browsing, discovering, or purchasing products on or off Amazon with ads that may appear on the Amazon home page, product detail pages, or shopping results pages as well as third-party websites and apps.

Access self-service display advertising

Simple campaign creation and automatically generated creatives help you quickly and easily create display ads that deliver results—no matter your budget size.

Control costs with retail-aware CPC ads

Sponsored Display ads only show when your products are in stock and the Featured Offer, and you only pay when customers click on your ads. Control how much you spend by setting your budget and bid per click.

Who can use Sponsored Display ads

Sponsored Display ad placements on desktop and mobile

Sponsored Display ads

Sponsored Display ads are available to professional sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, vendors, and agencies with clients who sell products on Amazon.

Sponsored Display ads are available in:

North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • UK
Middle East
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP

Note: Feature availability varies across marketplaces

Fire TV screen and remote

Sponsored Display on Fire TV (beta)

Promote your apps, movies, and TV shows with self-service display ads on Fire TV. Available to Fire TV app developers, Prime Video Channels, Prime Video Direct publishers, and film distributors.

Sponsored Display on Fire TV is available in:

North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • UK
Middle East
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP

Sponsored Display targeting options

Sponsored Display ads offers three targeting options. Availability varies by targeting type.

Sponsored Display ad placements on desktop and mobile

Product targeting

If you’re looking to drive consideration or cross-selling, product targeting can help you promote your product among audiences who are actively browsing your product or similar products and categories.

How it works

Target similar or complementary products and categories with ads that appear on relevant product detail pages.


Vendors, sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry

Where ads appear

On Amazon (on product detail pages or shopping results on desktop, mobile, and app)


CPC (cost-per-click)

Magnifying glass looking over results page

Audiences: Views remarketing

If your goals are focused on remarketing to high-intent audiences, views can help you reengage audiences that have viewed your product's detail page or reach audiences that have viewed detail pages of similar products and categories.

How it works

Reach audiences who have viewed the detail pages of your products or similar products, or within a chosen category on Amazon in the past 30 days, but have not purchased your advertised products.


Vendors, sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry (currently not available in IN or JP)

Where ads appear

On Amazon (on the Amazon home page, product detail pages, or shopping results pages) or off Amazon on third-party websites and apps (US only)



Users connected to various cosmetic items via dotted lines

Audiences: Interests

If you want to increase brand awareness and recognition, interest targeting can help introduce your products to new audiences whose shopping behaviors signal they might be interested in your products.

How it works

Reach audiences who have browsed or visited the detail page of products that fall within a specific interest segment in the past 90 days.



Where ads appear

On Amazon (on product detail pages or shopping results pages on desktop, mobile, and app)



How advertisers can use Sponsored Display

If you've considered display advertising in the past but needed more time, investment, or resources to get started, Sponsored Display is a simple, easy-to-use option that doesn't require a large budget or the ability to design your own ad creatives. You can also use Sponsored Display as a fast and flexible way to advertise your entire product portfolio.

Sponsored Display ads are a great complement for advertisers who are already using display advertising. For example, if you are using a DSP to reach new audiences with programmatic display, you can extend your reach to specific Amazon product detail pages by using Sponsored Display product targeting.

64% of shoppers use multiple channels to make a single purchase.1 Sponsored Display ads can help increase your presence in multiple channels to keep your brand and products top of mind for shoppers looking to buy.

1The State of the Connected Consumer 2019 Report, Salesforce, 2019

Woman on the couch laughing while using her Amazon Fire

How to create a Sponsored Display ad campaign


Select your targeting strategy (product targeting or audiences).


Set your bid and daily budget.


Choose the products you’d like to promote or select the audiences you would like to reach.


Your ad is automatically created and will appear on or off Amazon, depending on the targeting strategy.


Where will my Sponsored Display ads appear?

Your ads may appear both on Amazon and off Amazon (US only), on desktop, mobile sites, and apps based on the audiences or product targeting strategy you choose.

How much does Sponsored Display advertising cost?

Sponsored Display ads are purchased on a CPC (cost-per-click) basis. There is no minimum ad investment required. Advertisers choose their daily bid and budget. Bids automatically adjust based on likelihood of conversion, while still allowing you to change your bid or pause your campaign.

Do I need to add keywords to my Sponsored Display campaign?

No. Sponsored Display uses browsing and buying signals to automatically reach audiences who may be interested in your promoted product. With views targeting, Sponsored Display also dynamically promotes the most relevant product that has the highest chance of conversion from the list of products you add to your campaign.

Do I need to create my own ad creative?

No. Ad creatives are automatically generated and include a product image, pricing, deals and savings badging, star rating, and "Shop now" button that links back to your product detail page. Advertisers also have the option to add a custom logo and headline for product targeting creatives if desired.

How are my campaign results measured?

Advertisers can use the same familiar campaign metrics available for sponsored ads, including ACOS (advertising cost of sales), orders, detail page views, and glance views. Advertisers will soon see additional Amazon Advertising display metrics.

What does "retail aware" mean?

Sponsored Display ads are retail aware, so they only show when your products are in stock and the Featured Offer. The ads will automatically stop serving if your products are out of stock or not the Featured Offer. Sponsored Display remarketing strategies exclude audience segments who have already bought advertised products, and our machine learning algorithms will adjust bids to account for delivery promises.

What is the difference between Sponsored Display audiences and product targeting? How can I use them together?

Product targeting allows you to target specific products and/or categories of detail pages on Amazon to help reach new customers. Product targeting can be used in conjunction with Sponsored Display audiences. Use product targeting to help generate detail page traffic, and then Sponsored Display audiences views remarketing to reengage any missed sales opportunities.

What is the difference between Sponsored Display and Amazon DSP?

Sponsored Display is a self-service advertising product where ad creative is generated automatically and individual campaigns can be launched quickly. Sponsored Display ads are purchased on a CPC basis. Amazon DSP is a demand-side platform that allows advertisers to programmatically buy ads at scale. Pricing for display ads purchased through Amazon DSP vary by format and placement.

What is the difference between Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Products?

All three products are self-service advertising solutions. Sponsored Display ads appear in different locations and differ from Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products by reaching audiences on and off Amazon based on a variety of shopping signals.