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The Green Blue

The Green Blue is the joint environment project developed by the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine. Launched in 2005, its mission is to promote a sustainable leisure marine sector in the UK.

The Green Blue provides practical advice and information to help recreational boaters, watersports participants and marine businesses to think and act in an environmentally conscious way.

Its four objectives are:

  • To raise environmental awareness amongst industry and users;
  • To reduce harmful discharges;
  • To reduce environmental disturbance; and
  • To encourage sustainable choices.

The overall aim of the project is to work towards promoting a sustainable boating community which will help to save money, avoid red tape and safeguard the waters and habitats for the future.

The Green Blue also supports clubs and training centres by helping them understand and comply with the increasing amount of environmental legislation affecting their operations. The Green Blue Team offers site audits to help identify areas for environmental improvement, in particular around waste management and resource efficiency which in turn often results in costs savings. The Green Blue website contains a broad range of information including a selection of free, downloadable posters and leaflets.

For more information visit The Green Blue website.

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