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RYA Racing Charter

The RYA Racing Charter promotes rule observance, sportsmanship and good communication between organisers and competitors

RYA Racing Charter.

The RYA Racing Charter and the RYA Racing Charter logo available for download.

Notice of Race Wording

Recommended wording in a Notice of Race to invoke the RYA Racing Charter is:

‘Competitors should note that the [name of organizing authority] implements the RYA Racing Charter and that they will be expected to sail in compliance with it. The Charter can be found at the front of the RYA edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 (the yellow pages after the definitions), or on the RYA website at’

Entry Form Wording

Recommended wording in an Entry Form to enable competitors to declare their acceptance of the RYA Racing Charter:

‘I undertake to sail in compliance with the RYA Racing Charter.’

RYA Racing Charter Resources

Under the umbrella of its Racing Charter the RYA provides guidelines on the racing rules of sailing in the RYA Racing Rules Guidance book and other guidance, which can be found here.

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