Internet Architecture Board


About the Internet Architecture Board

The Internet Architecture Board provides long-range technical direction for Internet development, ensuring the Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for global communication and innovation.

In its work, the IAB strives to:

  • Ensure that the Internet is a trusted medium of communication that provides a solid technical foundation for privacy and security, especially in light of pervasive surveillance,
  • Establish the technical direction for an Internet that will enable billions more people to connect, support the vision for an Internet of Things, and allow mobile networks to flourish, while keeping the core capabilities that have been a foundation of the Internet’s success, and
  • Promote the technical evolution of an open Internet without special controls, especially those which hinder trust in the network.
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IAB 2021-2022 Appointments Announced by NomCom

On 15 January 2021, the NomCom the announced the selection of the IAB slate whose terms will start at IETF 110 in March 2020.

The selected candidates for the IAB are:

  • Jari Arkko (Ericsson) (incumbent)
  • Wes Hardaker (USC’s Information Sciences Institute) (incumbent)
  • David Schinazi (Google)
  • Deborah Brungard (AT&T)
  • Zhenbin (Robin) Li (Huawei) (incumbent)
  • Russ White (Juniper)

The IAB thanks outgoing members Alissa Cooper, Stephen Farrell, Mark Nottingham, and Jeff Tantsura for their years of service to the community on the IAB.

The resulting IAB will consist of:

  • Jari Arkko (Ericsson)
  • Deborah Brungard (AT&T)
  • Ben Campbell (independent consultant)
  • Lars Eggert (NetApp) (incoming IETF Chair)
  • Cullen Jennings (Cisco)
  • Wes Hardaker (USC’s Information Sciences Institute)
  • Mirja Kühlewind (Ericsson)
  • Zhenbin (Robin) Li (Huawei)
  • Jared Mauch (Akamai)
  • Tommy Pauly (Apple)
  • David Schinazi (Google)
  • Russ White (Juniper)
  • Jiankang Yao 姚健康 (CNNIC, China Internet Network Information Center)

IAB Seeks Feedback on Candidates for the IETF appointment to the ISOC Board of Trustees

In 2021, the IAB is responsible for selecting two individuals to serve 3-year terms on the ISOC Board of Trustees. The procedure is described in RFC 3677. The candidates who accepted nominations are:

  • Donald Eastlake
  • Brian Haberman
  • John C Klensin
  • Barry Leiba
  • Gabriel Montenegro
  • Jon Peterson
  • Jonathan Rosenberg
  • Niels ten Oever
  • Samuel Weiler

The IAB is requesting feedback on these candidates by Wednesday, 2021-02-03 at 2359 UTC. Please send your response to If you would like your feedback to be anonymized, please indicate such in your response. The IAB expects to finalize its selection on or before 2021-02-24.

The IESG will confirm the candidates by 2021-03-24 and the appointees will begin serving as new board of trustees members at the ISOC Annual General meeting in July 2021.

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IAB Reappoints Warren Kumari to the ICANN Technical Liaison Group

The Internet Architecture Board is pleased to announce the reappointment of Warren Kumari to a two-year term on the ICANN Technical Liaison Group.

The IAB extends its sincere thanks to everyone in the community who provided feedback in this process, and to Warren for his willingness to continue to serve in this role.

Reappointment of Colin Perkins as IRTF Chair

The Internet Architecture Board is pleased to announce the reappointment of Colin Perkins as the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Chair. This appointment is for a two-year term, beginning in March 2021 and ending in March 2023.

The IAB extends its sincere thanks to everyone in the community who provided feedback in this process, and to Colin for his willingness to continue to serve in this role.

IAB Report to the Community for IETF 109

This is the IAB report for the period between IETF 108 and IETF 109. This report presents a summary of activities. More detailed information on many of the topics is also available at

Minutes of all IAB business calls are available at The IAB business calls are open for observation and ​the upcoming agenda​ is posted in advance on the IAB wiki at The calendar and connection details​ can also be found there.

If you have issues you want to discuss over email, feel free to send your comments to the IAB as a whole at Continue reading

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Call for nominations: IETF appointment to the ISOC Board of Trustees

The Internet Society (ISOC) provides organizational and financial support for the IETF. As part of the arrangements between ISOC and the IETF, the IETF is called upon to name 4 Trustees to its Board (BoT), with staggered 3-year terms.

This year, the IAB will select two people for a terms beginning in mid-2021 and ending in mid-2024. The incumbents are Gonzalo Camarillo and John Levine, who have both served two consecutive terms in this role and therefore cannot seek another term due to term limits. The IAB would like to thank Gonzalo and John for their six years of service.

A description of the IAB’s process for selecting the Trustee each year can be found in RFC 3677, with this year’s timeline as follows:

  • Tuesday, November 10, 2020: Open nomination period
  • Tuesday, January 5, 2021: Close of the nomination period
  • Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – Wednesday, February 3, 2021: Community feedback period
  • No later than February 24, 2021: IAB selection delivered to IESG for confirmation
  • No later than March 24, 2021: Delivery of final confirmed selection to the ISOC Elections Committee for announcement with the rest of the new ISOC BoT slate.


Nominations (including self-nominations) should be sent to the IAB Executive Administrative Manager at <>. Please include e-mail contact details with the nomination. Continue reading

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Call for Feedback on the ICANN Technical Liaison Group Appointment

On behalf of the IETF, the IAB names two technical experts to the ICANN Technical Liaison Group (TLG).

The current IETF-selected members of the TLG are Warren Kumari (term ends 2021) and Petr Špaček (term ends 2022). Warren has indicated that he is willing to continue in this role another term. The IAB is now soliciting input from the community on this incumbent.

The ICANN Bylaws (Section 13.2) ask the IAB, ITU-T, ETSI, and W3C to each provide two technical experts. The technical experts are expected to be “familiar with the technical standards issues that are relevant to ICANN’s activities. These 8 experts shall be available as necessary to determine, through an exchange of e-mail messages, where to direct a technical question from ICANN when ICANN does not ask a specific TLG organization directly.” All TLG participants are also members of ICANN’s Technical Experts Group which confers with the ICANN Board at ICANN meetings.

More details can be found in the ICANN bylaws.

Please send your remarks in confidence to and

The IAB would appreciate receiving comments by 23:59 UTC on Friday, 2020-11-20, as the IAB will begin the next steps in the oversight process shortly after IETF 109.

Call for Feedback on the current IRTF Chair

As part of its oversight responsibility for the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), the IAB is soliciting comments from the community on the performance of the IRTF Chair, Colin Perkins. Colin has been serving in the IRTF Chair position since March 2019.

RFC 2850 includes a paragraph about the selection of the IRTF Chair. It says:

3.3 Selection of the IRTF chair

The IAB shall have the authority to appoint the chair of the Internet
Research Task Force (IRTF) for a two-year renewable term, and to
remove him or her. The IRTF chair shall be responsible for the
management and organization of the IRTF according to [BCP 8].

Please send your remarks in confidence to and

The IAB would appreciate receiving comments by 23:59 UTC on Wednesday, 2020-11-11, as the IAB will begin the next steps in the oversight process shortly after IETF 109.