return to boating

For all the latest updates on Coronavirus COVID-19 please visit the RYA's COVID-19 hub page. We are working on a range of guidance and resources to help members and the wider boating community prepare for a safe return to the water. These resources will ensure that boaters can return to activities on the water as quickly and safely as possible.

For RYA Guiding Principles

The RYA's guiding principles will underpin all guidance across the boating community.

1. Our guidance

Covid-19 preventative measures are vital in keeping you, your family and others safe and to minimise pressure on frontline services. The RYA will continue to support the National effort to control the spread of Covid-19 and assist members of the RYA family with any variations that might develop at a local level.  We support the Government’s desire to return to normality in a measured way and we recognise that we have a role to play by providing guidance to the RYA community on the application of the 2020 Regulations.

2. Our approach is considerate and conservative

Considerate: be mindful of the potential impact that you could have on other water users and do not place unnecessary extra strain on the RNLI and emergency services.

Conservative: help to minimise incident and accidents by taking an extra cautious approach to your boating.

Our guidance on safe boating remains unchanged: know your limits; look after yourself; keep in touch and, above all, have a plan. As the restrictions are relaxed, we advise boaters to think about these factors.  The RNLI and the RYA have also worked in collaboration to produce joint safety guidance to help ensure that this summer is as safe as it can be.

          RYA Guiding Principles poster          

For RYA members and recreational boaters

New rules came into effect on 20 December as the Government introduced a tier 4 local lockdown level. 

Find out what tier your local area is in.

With the exception of tier 4, the following applies across all of England:

  • The requirement to stay at home unless you have a reasonable excuse to leave has ended. Domestic and international travel is permitted subject to guidance in each tier. 
  • Grassroots sport, including sailing and boating, is allowed to resume and sailing clubs and marinas are able to reopen.
  • People are no longer limited to seeing only one other person in outdoor public places – the rule of 6 will now apply as it did in the previous set of tiers

The Government has assessed that stronger measures are needed in tier 4 designated areas to prevent the epidemic from growing as a result of a new variant of the virus.

For more information on the guidance for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, please follow the links below:

Boating in Scotland

Boating in Northern Ireland

Boating in Wales

Please find all the latest information for recreational boaters on the RYA's COVID-19 hub page.  

For Clubs and Classes

The Covid-19 outbreak continues to be rapidly evolving situation that presents a number of complex challenges and decisions for all service-based organisations.

Please see links below for various guidance, resources, videos and forums about restarting boating and racing activity in the link below:

e Club Development Forums RYA Return to Boating posters & social media images RYA Return to Boating toolsLegal Guidance for clubs and centres  Club Zone Video Playlist  

For Recognised Training Centres

We have put together the guidance below to assist RYA recognised training centres (RTCs) when considering if, when and how RYA training activity should take place during the coronavirus pandemic.

There are a number of temporary variations to the RYA conditions of recognition currently in place to assist centres at this time. Please make sure you are aware of and comply with the latest guidance from the government in the country in which you operate, as well as completing your own risk assessments. 

 Guidance for Restarting RYA Training Activity   RYA Training in the UK  Guidance for Restarting RYA Training Webinars  Legal guidance for clubs and centres 

For RYA Technical Services

RYA Technical Services (Coding & Tonnage) during the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic - please find FAQ's for Surveyors, Inspectors, Measurers, Owners and Managing Agents here: