Gartner surveyed 400+ HR leaders and 300+ finance leaders, and spoke with more than 4,000 employees and HR executives to identify the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of work and the implications business leaders should anticipate for their organization.

Survey results revealed nine future of work trends:

  1. More remote workers
  2. Increased use of employee data
  3. Greater role of the employer as a social safety net
  4. Wider use of contingent workers in the new gig economy
  5. Critical skills no longer being synonymous with roles
  6. Some finding work more humanizing; others finding it dehumanizing
  7. A focus on crisis response as it distinguishes top-tier employer brands
  8. Prioritizing resilience as much as efficiency
  9. Added strain to employee engagement, culture and value proposition

Download this report to differentiate your organization from competitors with:

  • A breakdown of each future of work trend and its potential impact
  • Suggested action steps for the HR team
  • Supplemental tools to help execute changes