RSS Great Stuff from Net Family News

  • Online safety after Trump’s deplatforming January 7, 2021
    Among many other things, the past 24 hours were a pivotal moment for content moderation – for online safety worldwide. I’m usually not US-centric in the way I think about online safety, but what happened in Washington and online, yesterday and since, and then with the global platforms, showed us how far our thinking – […]
  • Young artists & activists wrapping 2020 in light December 29, 2020
    So many of us lost heart, our voices, our strength at different points in the past year, and possibly none more than young people. “Since the start of the pandemic, mental health-related emergency department visits increased by 31% for 12-17-year-olds,” Mental Health America cites data from the Centers for Disease Control as showing. And according […]
  • Finally! Solid cyberbullying data on tweens October 16, 2020
    There is no better source on cyberbullying than the Cyberbullying Research Center, at least in the US. And this month, National Bullying Prevention Month in the US, CRC, in partnership with Cartoon Network, released data on a whole new group of kids: 9-to-12-year-olds. It may surprise you that we know very little about tweens’ experiences […]
  • Beyond ‘The Social Dilemma’ to social solutions September 21, 2020
    The Social Dilemma, now on Netflix, is a polemic, not a documentary. I mean, the Oxford English Dictionary says a documentary “provides a factual record or report,” and this film does not do that. There’s nothing wrong with a polemic, or a wakeup call. It’s perfectly reasonable to create a film with the intention to […]
  • ‘Automated fame’: 1 of the TikTok stories of the moment September 11, 2020
    You’ve undoubtedly seen news stories about Charli D’Amelio, 2020’s 16-year-old TikTok phenomenon, with 6 billion likes and 82 million followers since she joined the app last spring. It was the part about “automated fame” that really caught my attention in a New Yorker story this past weekend. Charli became “the most popular creator on TikTok” […]
  • A simple exercise for (digital) parenting August 15, 2020
    This is inspired by all the families in Parenting for a Digital Future, the book I reviewed earlier this week (I also added this as a sidebar in that post for readers’ convenience). It’s a little exercise to explain and expand on the statement I led the review with: “family context eclipses screen time.” Please […]
  • #P4DF: The book about (digital) parenting August 10, 2020
    Family context eclipses screen time. If you get nothing else from the new book Parenting for a Digital Future, that one takeaway would help so many educators, policymakers, pediatricians and advocates trying to get “Internet safety” and “digital wellbeing” education right, i.e., as free of generalized pronouncements of what is and isn’t good for children […]
  • Key SEL report from UNESCO, insights from youth in 6 countries July 27, 2020
    In what video panel discussion could you watch a high school student in Bhutan lead his peers in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Japan and South Africa, along with their adult moderator, in a mindfulness practice – after which you’d hear from a neuroscientist at a U.S. university and Sri Lanka’s Minister of Education? That would be […]
  • Yup. New ‘Blue Whale’ with a Momo-style twist July 16, 2020
    Here we are again. Remember “Blue Whale,” then “Momo”? Well, the B.W. challenge, or self-harm “game,” has been warmed over and repackaged with a new name and face with the creepiness of a Momo. This time it’s a weird, scary version of the cartoon character Goofy. [I don’t know—does familiarity make it less scary or […]
  • New org for content moderation pros June 17, 2020
    This is a world first and great news at a time when everybody could use a bit of that: The Trust & Safety Professional Association opens its doors today. TSPA is a membership organization designed to support the content moderation community, the people all over the world who do the extremely challenging work of protecting […]

RSS Great Stuff from Connect Safely

  • Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots January 4, 2021
    By Kerry Gallagher, JD and Larry Magid Ed.D Sixty-one percent of parents say that parenting is more difficult than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technology as the reason why, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey. Teaching even our youngest children how to use devices and interact with digital content in […]
  • How Smart Watches Monitor Your Health December 24, 2020
    So, now that I have all this health technology on my wrist and my phone, there’s only more thing I need to do and that’s to relax and lower my anxiety which, ironically, means spending more time enjoying life and less time looking at the data from the watch I’m wearing. The post How Smart […]
    Larry Magid
  • Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying December 12, 2020
    Guidance for parents and young people on cyberbullying, including advice for ending (or preventing) the cycle of aggression. For a more comprehensive look, see A Parents’ Guide to Cyberbullying.  For kids and teens Know that it’s not your fault. What people call “bullying” is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly […]
  • Misinformation Amplified by Social Media December 10, 2020
    As Daniel Patrick Moynihan once wrote, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. The post Misinformation Amplified by Social Media appeared first on ConnectSafely.
    Larry Magid
  • Generosity is Great, But Be Cautious When Giving to Charity December 3, 2020
    “Giving Tuesday,” which is now behind us, is really the start of the end-of-the-year holiday giving period. For the remainder of the month, expect to see even more pitches for end-of-the-year donations from charities you have supported in the past and ones that you may not be so familiar with. Charities always seek donations this […]
    Larry Magid
  • Family Guide to Messenger by Facebook December 3, 2020
    Messenger has several features to put you in control of your privacy, safety and security. Here's what you need to know. The post Family Guide to Messenger by Facebook appeared first on ConnectSafely.
  • Parent’s Guide to Amazon Alexa November 20, 2020
    Amazon's Alexa can assist in a seemingly endless number of ways. As with any connected technology, it’s important for parents and kids to talk about how to use Alexa, what it does and doesn’t do, what information it collects and to set some guidelines. The post Parent’s Guide to Amazon Alexa appeared first on ConnectSafely.
  • Google-Owned Cellular Service Becomes More Family Friendly November 19, 2020
    Google Fi cellular service has been around since 2015, but it just got some new features that make it more family-friendly. The post Google-Owned Cellular Service Becomes More Family Friendly appeared first on ConnectSafely.
    Larry Magid
  • Facebook’s Messenger & Instagram’s Disappearing Act November 12, 2020
    Snapchat may have pioneered disappearing posts in social media, but Facebook is adding a disappearing act to messaging. Vanish Mode, for Facebook’s Messenger and Instagram, enables users to send messages that disappear once they are viewed and the viewer leaves the conversation. MORE ON FORBES.COM Listen to “The ConnectSafely Report with Larry Magid” on Spreaker. […]
    Larry Magid
  • Keeping Kids Safe on Roblox November 5, 2020
    If you have children in your life, there is a very good chance they play games on Roblox — a popular gaming platform that allows people to play games that others create or create games for others to play. Think of it as YouTube for video games — most people are there to play, but […]
    Larry Magid