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       Location          Only show dealers that offer:             Search       Advanced Search Close                                      Why Choose Suzuki Long Term Value    As every engine in our range is designed specifically for the rigours of marine use our 4-Stroke outboards provide quiet, fuel-efficient and reliable technology whilst delivering market-leading power and performance. 

                     Why Choose Suzuki Peace Of Mind    As well as offering a five-year leisure or two-year commercial warranty on all of our 4-stroke outboards, we also have a nationwide network of Suzuki Authorised Dealers who are always on hand to provide support wherever you are, whenever you need it. 

                     Why Choose Suzuki 50 Years Experience    50 years of leading the way in innovation – from bringing the down thrust propeller system to market in 1965, to introducing the world’s first 300HP V6 four-stroke outboard in 2006. 

                     Why Choose Suzuki Reliability    Our outboard motors are used by commercial operators such as Sea Start and Solent RIB Charter, this is testament to just how reliable they are. 

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