Sandra Eskin

Sandy Eskin
Sandra Eskin
Project Director
Food Safety
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Sandra Eskin directs Pew’s work on food safety. The campaign seeks to reduce health risks from foodborne pathogens by working with the federal government, industry, and other stakeholders to improve food safety.

Before joining Pew, she was a public policy consultant to consumer and public interest organizations, providing strategic and policy advice on a range of consumer protection issues, including food safety, dietary supplement safety, and food and drug labeling and advertising. Eskin also was a federal government staff attorney, legislative representative for the Consumer Federation of America, deputy director of the Produce Safety Project—a Pew initiative at Georgetown University—and has served on numerous federal advisory committees.

Eskin received her bachelor’s degree in classics and semiotics from Brown University and a Juris Doctor from the University of California Hastings College of the Law.

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