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2017 Top-Rated Nonprofit


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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: We do LEO related fundraisers. You can start one or we can. We're here to help. Recent tragedies of officers killed in action, and the outpouring of public support as they are reported in the media, have brought to light a problem – there is no easy way for people to come together online to provide the immediate financial support for their families. Many fundraisers require people to drive to a bank to provide a faceless donation, which just isn’t the way to go in the 21st century. So a group of us came together, along with a technology team, to spend the time and money to fix this both now and for the future. While much press is (appropriately and deservedly!) given to officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, there are countless others who are injured and who also need help as they go through the recovery process. And there are families who need help for years as they continue to piece their lives together. We support all who have served, including their families, regardless of injury and without a time limit. The community is here for you always. OfficerDown.us is a registered nonprofit with a mission to provide a place where people can reach out to help those who have spent their lives helping others. “To protect and serve” isn’t just a job, and those who dedicate their lives to live by the code are our family. It’s up to us to come together as a “crowd” to support the officers, the families and the departments who sacrifice so much to help others and preserve our community every day, every night.

Results: $350,000= raised

Target demographics: any and all relations to Law Enforcement

Direct beneficiaries per year: approximately 200 families or organizations through simple online fundraisers.

Geographic areas served: the United States

Programs: national online crowdfunding, helping families of officers in need or who have been killed or injured while dedicating their lives to protecting & serving the community. We also provide fundraising services for spouses, children, coworkers, Departments, K-9, equestrian, or the community as it relates to Law Enforcement.

Community Stories

49 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters



Rating: 5

Officerdown.us has been incredibly helpful in raising funds for our law enforcement family members. They helped raise funds for a coworkers husband and 2 small boys when she passed away unexpectedly and are now helping raise funds for another coworker whose baby daughter needs a bone marrow transplant. Please donate!

1 Teresa H.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Fantastic nonprofit with a passionate and dedicated founder.

1 Lori F.1


Rating: 5

This is a great organization that helps out deserving law enforcement families.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

My fellow police officer within my department was injured in a off duty accident and sustained life threatening injuries. After searching through multiple non profit companies to try and find a way to raise money for my co-worker I came upon Officer Down. The people at Officer Down have been amazing and within 5 minutes of filling out the application I was receiving phone calls and emails asking how they could help. I would recommend anyone who is looking for a nonprofit to use I would strongly consider OfficerDown.Us

1 Tennille M.1


Rating: 5

When unfortunate things happen to our public safety officers (or their families) it is comforting to know that Officer Down is there to help! Creating a fundraiser made simple and not just a fundraiser, one that is also a tax deductible. I was floored the first time I learned a widow received a bill from the IRS after enduring a horrible year and learning to live without him she got a bill for the money raised off a different site. Thanks Officer Down for being there!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

i am the grand daughter of a police officer who spent 38 years serving his community i am also the cousin to two officers both of which have now retired .... i am a huge suporter of Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Military . I keep up with the officers that have lost there lives in the line of duty because i enjoy see the different uniforms,and just taking the time to show my appreciation to the loved ones lost it takes a very special person to do this job and if it were not for officer down who knows how many officer lives would be taken and have nothing to show for it from the public at least i get to say may there memory be eternal !!!!! i thank u for ur service and dedication to the job at hand.


Rating: 5

To know the backstory of why this non-profit was created is to understand the passion behind the organization. If someone is in need for a fundraiser that is in Law Enforcement, this is the place to go.

1 Vinny C.1


Rating: 5

Working at OfficerDown.US has been very rewarding for me. I am able to complete miscellaneous tasks to help the organization which makes it fun and never dull. I interact closely with the Director who truly has a passion for what she does. She is very respectful, attentive, and open to new ways of thinking. I enjoy how I can use my creative side to further the mission of OfficerDown.US. The board of directors are also very engaged and professional. The organization provides funding for any law enforcement need including their family which is rare to find. The structure of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit makes monetary gifts even more impactful. I am happy to volunteer for an organization that treats me like family while helping those who risk their lives every day to keep up safe and secure.

1 Diane B.2

Client Served

Rating: 5

I found OfficerDown.US while getting our non-profit group Covering the Blue up and running, we make crochet covers for wounded Officers. Jessica Langgin was so helpful in getting our fund raiser put together. It was very impressive to see the site and I am very grateful for the help i have received from her. Her heart and soul is into helping non-profit groups that are our there helping our Police officers. She is so dedicated to helping Officers and their family's get the help they badly need in crisis and getting a fund raiser set up for them. I would recommend OfficerDown.US to any Officers who may need some financial help with a fund raiser. I also recommend it to any non-profit group needing funds who are out there in support of our Police officers. Thank You OfficerDown.US! Our group is still with OfficerDown.US and I am proud to be listed on the site.

1 Kevin D.2

Client Served

Rating: 5

OfficerDown.US was who I turned to when I was in medical need of a lift chair. It was easy to get started and their posts were very noticeable. The staff was very good at providing suggestions and walking me through any problems. A fantastic group dedicated to helping those who serve and protect us. As a disabled officer, I am very glad that this group exists. Wonderful.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I find them to be top-notch. They are true to the cause. While doing everything they can to help. God Bless everyone that has made this possible. John

2 Tandi R.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Very professional organization. Top rated. Would donate to them any day.

3 Beth M.2


Rating: 5

A wonderful organization that remembers and honors those who have fallen.
My grandfather was a police officer in Massachusetts. He died on his way to work. He fell quickly, on his way to a job that he loved.

2 Laurie H.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This is really really awesome stuff. Kudos to you for remaining vigilant and captivating at the same time.

2 Kelley L.


Rating: 4

Thankful for this organization. Out to help others in need

3 Gloria Tumulak Amit R.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

AWESOME organization!! Supporting our LEO OHANA is so important especially now. These Brave Officers put on their uniform everyday to make sure that their city is safe, not knowing if they will come home that night. Officer Down is there at a drop of a hat to help in their time of need.
Officer Down not only serve those on the mainland but also us here on a little rock in the middle of the Sea.
Jessica and the OFFICER DOWN OHANA are all doing an AMAZING JOB!!



Rating: 5

I have donated to this nonprofit and think it is a great cause and had a great experience

3 Run Aficionado S.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Hello there my name is Jose E Santos. But many know me as Mr.Run2Improve. Ive had the pleasure of getting to know Jessica from OfficerDown.US, I have never met any one who is more devoted to this cause than her. I also had the pleasure of working with her on several projects. I definitely recommend this non profit to anyone who is looking to help law enforcement in their time of need.

3 Teri Elmendorf M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Fantastic organization!! Supporting our law enforcement is more important now than ever. So many leave their homes everyday to protect total strangers and not all of them make it home. Officer Down is a well organized, well run charity that does a fantastic job of supporting, honoring, and giving back to those who give so much.

3 Noah C.1


Rating: 5

This is a great nonprofit that helps officers. This allows help to officers to receive support in difficult times



Rating: 5

As we work through our country as there are many volunteer groups. Ms. Jessica Langgin is fighting for the fallen and injured to provide for OfficerDown. She spoken to me truly as I reside in Delaware. Yet based in Las Vegas. She reaches out to every state as a non profit group. She doesn’t get paid. 3.8 % goes to the administration. Only to fight for the cause. This country needs to change as it already has with Jessica Langgin

3 Jesse R.1


Rating: 5

They are constantly striving to humanitize law enforcement, they are doing great work!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Love what your doing. Keep the great work and helping out police.pictures

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

We started a Campaign through OfficerDown.Us. We thank them for all of the work that they do to Help Law Enforcement Officers, their Family and friends. I became a Volunteer to help them do what they so very love to do. Thank you!

Review from Guidestar

3 Erin D.1

Client Served

Rating: 5

My husband was seriously Injured securing the arrest of a violent and destructive drunk driver. He has suffered a severe spinal cord injury that had required major invasive surgery to repair. It’s by Gods great miracles that he was not paralyzed or killed.

My husband has been a police officer for over 18 years. He has saved many lives by simply being there to protect or on his knees performing CPR. He has brought lives into this world by delivering babies on the side of the road, or in the backseat of a car in the pouring rain. He has also been there when lives fade away to the great unknown by holding them and telling them it will be okay. And watching them fade before him. He has also been the first to arrive once death has already become someone violently or self inflicted. He has mediated people fighting and stopped the crimes they are committing. He has jumped in to save other officers and pinned down a gang member who is hot with a weapon. People on the street who live normal lives don’t see these things. All they think about cops is that they get behind them in traffic to scare them for kicks and giggles. That officer behind them is probably covered in blood, or soaked to the skin with creek water and ticks, from chasing a criminal who just killed someone. Let that be known!!

He has been so strong through this whole thing. His surgery was on Sept 18th. And he is slowly getting around. With a titanium cage put around his spine to line it back up and 8 jagged titanium screws. It will take some time to heal. And heal correctly.

We had our fundraiser because we didn’t have enough sick time accrued for him to be out longer than two weeks. We desperately need funding to help us get through for a few more weeks of his recovery. Officer Down has helped us so much. We just haven’t had the donations we thought we would get. Which is sad!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

What a great non profit organization! This organization is dedicated to spread awareness whilst raising money for the LEO community and I'm glad to be a part of the team. Major props to the Executive Director Jessica for all her hard work and raising $300k nationwide!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

We have been able to do some amazing things for those in our LVMPD family through the officer down site. I personally can attest to a fundraiser I organized on OfficerDown that netted $11k in one week and when the family needed money ASAP for specialized treatment out of state that needed to commence immediately; Jessica personally delivered a check to the hospital room the next day!

Review from Guidestar


Client Served

Rating: 5

Officerdown is an amazing organization that has helped out the law enforcement community during times of need. I personally have benefited from this organization and am a huge supporter. I know that if I give to this organization that the funds are going to help those in need


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Officerdown.us is dedicated by supporting and assisting any and all law enforcement related incident simply by starting a fundraiser via Officerdown.us. Jessica Langgin, the administrator of Officerdown.us, has made her main goal for all law enforcement agencies to use this website anytime a fundraiser is needed for one of their own is in need. Officerdown.us is a non-profit 501(c) and is a great source for funds to be collected fast, easy, and tax-deductible. Not only is Officerdown.us for officers, it extends for family members, civilian employees and incidents that occurred off-duty. Jessica Langgin makes herself available anytime day or night. She believes this organization is important for all law enforcement agencies and that we should come together during trying times. If you know of any anyone who is in need of assistance and it's law enforcement related, please refer them to Officerdown.us You will not be sorry!!!

2 Kayla27

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

So happy I got this. I have a daughter one on the way.

Review from Guidestar

2 Steve173


Rating: 5

Great organization. Help LEO families when in need. Please donate to this worthy cause to help a LEO brother and sister in need.

Steve Bruet

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

My second time donating to this organization and i look to the next time and many more. Great organization and great people who run it . Thank You !!

Review from Guidestar

2 Marsha24


Rating: 5

I have a good grasp on what our law enforcement goes thru, as I am a mother of a 17 year police officer. My son wanted to be a cop since he was 4 years old. He worked hard to get there and works harder to stay in such a un appreciated career. I worry every minute of every day and will till he is finished with his career in law enforcement. I hurt as they all do when another officer is taken by such a meaningless way and leaves another family hurting but remain proud. That is the meaning of the thin blue line and I am happy to support and will wear my bracelet with pride.

Review from Guidestar


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Officer Down is amazing. I am a retired police officer who was shot in line of duty and my father was a police officer and was murdered when I was twelve. when I heard about all the things Officer Down does for this family of blue I give them hats off
Give them your support. We need to help those officers and families who are going through a lot right now



Rating: 5

An excellent organization who puts their heart and soul into everything they do! Not just for LEO's but also for their families and the community in which they serve. I am proud to spread the word about OfficerDown.us whenever the opportunity arises!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Officer Down has helped my corporation with numerous fundraisers. They are a huge asset to police officers around America!!



Rating: 5

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the people behind this awesome group. I myself being a cadet in a law enforcement academy have many friends that are currently a LEO, with having much respect for the men and women in BLUE I will wear my THIN BLUE LINE braclet with pride for those who currently serve and the not- forgotten who did not make it home after their shift....

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

You guys are happy and sad. I so love the happy you bring to my life. It makes me more and more proud of my son who is a county cop in the next county. A lot of the funnies I will copy and send to him and he cracks up. He is also an MP in the army. He isn't on Facebook. Yea I know must b the only one. Lol. But the support you give to the officers down and their families makes me cry. I put myself in their shoes and think of Joey. You are so amazing and have the heart of gold. I'm so happy to be apart of you guys on Facebook. I'm proud to have you in my life. Thank you for all you do. You guys mean so much to me and I worry. Please all b safe. And thank you for what you do. ❤️

Review from Guidestar


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Officer Down is helping grateful Law Enforcement families in their time of need. They are able to set up and oversee fund raising for help when a tragedy has occurred, which helps to relieve the financial burden so that officer's families can focus on healing.

Review from Guidestar


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

This is truly a dedicated nonprofit helping officers and their families in their time of need. Keep up the great work.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Officer Down provided the means for my family and I to receive donations from as far as the opposite end of the country. These donations were very crucial in allowing me and my family to temporarily concentrate on healing and not have to worry about the financial issues attached with my accident. I am grateful to Officer Down as well as to those who made contributions to help us through our ordeal.

Thank you,
David Figueroa


Client Served

Rating: 5

Officer Down helped us get the word out about our friend and fellow officer, Jon Rekash. Jon was involved in an off duty motorcycle accident and as a result, he has been left paralyzed from the chest down. Officer Down helped us raise funds and spread the word about a benefit that we held at our local VFW. Thank you again!

Review from Guidestar


Client Served

Rating: 5

The personal attention I recieved is unparalleled.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Professional and dedicated, truly a great nonprofit


Board Member

Rating: 5

We started this because, quite honestly, I wanted to donate to help the families of officers that I read about online. But there was no way to do it (the local law enforcement charities have zero online capabilities and have even less transparency or accountability, so not only could I not donate, but even if I could I had no idea how much of my donation was actually going to the families). So we started OfficerDown.us as a way for people everywhere to help, and so people could know that their funds really are going to the families they designate. We are very proud of what we've built, and amazed to see so many people pitching in to help LEO's and their families in the times of greatest need.


Client Served

Rating: 4

Great, very helpful organization that really went out of the way to help us get funds in our time of need. Made our lives a lot easier by taking care of something we didn't know we needed and went out of the way to get the funds to us during this time of need. Thanks OfficerDown.US!!!

3 Nlvpd H.

Client Served

Rating: 5

OfficerDown.us is a amazing organization. OfficerDown.us does only Law Enforcement related fundraisers and they make it easy for you or a member of your organization to start one. The staff is extremely dedicated and are supportive of the initiative to be able to give back to the LEO community. This is a terrific organization that has helped the loved ones of fallen officers in my community, injured officers in my community and organizational needs. This wonderful non profit organization has helped countless lives and continue to do so for LEO families across America.



Rating: 5

OfficerDown.us is a wonderful organization that facilitates an extremely worthy and much-needed cause. With their professional staff of dedicated personnel, they are able to support and give back to those and their loved ones who gave their all to protect and serve. As a retired police officer, donor, and supporter of this terrific organization, I encourage you to donate to this reputable foundation.

3 Katie-Jean P.


Rating: 5

This is a great non profit. The website is easy to use. I like that you can remain anonymous and a receipt is always emailed to me immediately.