
Our East Fairfield location (at 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd across from NorthBay Healthcare) is excited to announce expanded hours and a new provider, Dr. Hamed Zamani! Effective Friday, Nov. 13, our new, expanded hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 707.419.8990 to make an appointment or for more information. #Fairfield #Solano

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Conference registration link | Enlace de registro para la Conferencia:…/register/WN_Rb5nqvNSSh2uRNOkC_8Qig

Conference registration link | Conference registration link:
Image may contain: text that says 'La Alianza Binacional de Salud Presenta: 16a Conferencia Anual para la Mujer Latina del Valle de Napa noviembre, 2020 Zoom. Tenga requiere registro Tema Mental info "¡Pensamientos presentado por Dr. Roberto nación Gracias Nuestros Patrocinadores LATINA WOMAN' CONFRRENCE Siesciesal S PON Rស Simertahg Camhtnnt Napa County Mental Health Division Enlace de registro para a Conferencia:'
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National Health Center Week 2020 Overview
Stakeholder Appreciation Day
As we continue celebrating National Health Center Week, today is designated as Agricultural Worker Health Day. Hear from OLE Health's Community Outreach + Volunteer Coordinator Guadalupe Villasenor Rico about the impact OLE Health has on our agricultural worker community in Napa and Solano counties! #NHCW20