תוצאות החיפוש
  1. לפני 21 שעות

    POLL TOLL: The Morrison Government is in “severe trouble” as a “grubby bullying campaign” against Labor Party women backfires, with polls blowing out to an “unheard of” 58 / 42 2PP. The horror collapse in coalition support recently stalled, but has taken off once again.

    הצג שרשור זה
  2. לפני 20 שעות

    The PM is now known by voters. He’s the indifferent Morrison of the bushfire disaster, the complacent Morrison of the vaccine strollout, the misogynist Morrison who mishandled the Brittany Higgins & Christian Porter situations & the absent Morrison of the flood disaster.

  3. לפני 21 שעות

    He couldnt get helicopters to a flood zone when they were needed but now he wants us to worry about our lack of space weapons… 🙄 always desperate to move attention to the next problem to distract from failure to fix the last ones

  4. 20 במרץ
  5. לפני 15 שעות

    Come on MSM, show your metal. Morrison was too gutless to face home and business owners in Lismore. Today he has called Albanese gutless for not instituting an inquiry into the spurious claims that trouble maker Kitching was bullied. Call this wide mouthed toad out.

  6. לפני 18 שעות

    Defence Minister Peter Dutton is announcing today a US-style 'Space Force' to defend our extraterrestrial national interests. Because why stop at being "tough on borders" when the whole galaxy is your oyster? [FREE TO READ]

  7. 20 במרץ

    Gareth Evans on Virginia Trioli says the pressure Senator Kitching was under arose from the extreme policy positions she chose to take on a range of issues, positions that did not represent the mainstream party. Exactly. And good on Gareth for having the guts to say it.

  8. 21 במרץ

    REALITY CHECK: We all know a grubby bullying campaign when we see one. I stand with Penny Wong, Katy Gallagher and Kristina Keneally — strong female leaders, relentlessly bullied to the point of hysterical “murder” accusations. They've handled it well and I applaud them.

    הצג שרשור זה
  9. לפני 21 שעות

    Before we start building Spaceships, let’s see if one of our new Navy ships can make it to Tonga & back without breaking down. Baby steps first

  10. לפני 19 שעות

    Spud Trek going boldly where none have gone before. Aussie Spam in the can strapped to the top of the Hypersonic Soot, mark 2. No charts. No need. No destination. Dut’s steering to the place beyond space, time, gravity & postal votes! Ground control to Major Spud!

  11. לפני 21 שעות

    ‘We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because there is an election in two months.’ Spud Rocket Dutton 22 March 22

  12. I don't think I've ever seen Anthony Albanese clench his fists while standing over someone or even just when listening to someone or having his photo taken. Just an observation.

  13. לפני 20 שעות

    WEEKEND ENDS: Scott Morrison promised to keep petrol prices low and declared war on electric cars, saying they'd “end the weekend” — but Aussies are now paying a blistering $2.20+ per litre to fill up, ending the weekend “for real” for families struggling to stay afloat.

    הצג שרשור זה
  14. 21 במרץ

    So Leigh Sales asks a guy who has been in power FOR ONE DAY as premier how he can be trusted with the health system because of people in his party two terms ago. The Australian political media is fundamentally broken

  15. 20 במרץ

    Coal to Ukraine is not a gift. Australians are paying Whitehaven for the coal. Whitehaven had not manged to sell it in the world market, it was uncontracted. Its a gift of $28M of your money to a fossil fuel company from

    הצג שרשור זה
  16. 21 במרץ

    A Commonwealth Bank economist just told that he expected prices to grow faster than wages…when said that means people going backwards the CBA guys said ‘no, they can run down their savings’…to be clear, thats the definition of going backwards…FFS

  17. Birmingham is demanding Chalmers "be clear" about his alternative Budget😂 Nice try , Joshie out of ideas already is he? Needs a bit of help from Jim 'eh? If you want to see Labor's Budget then call the election, once you're voted out Jim can table his Budget 🐝

  18. 20 במרץ

    Furious Lismore flood victims dump the remains of their damaged houses and furniture outside PM Scott Morrison's current house at Kirribilli. Morrison has failed to provide housing support for thousands of homeless Northern Rivers

  19. לפני 21 שעות

    Remember when we were singled out by the international community for being the best economic managers in the GFC. Now under Morrison we are singled out for being global climate pariahs. Fucking disgraceful.

  20. לפני 23 שעות

    Did any of you people who were critical of Sat column this week,change your minds when you saw her story last night & witnessed those closest to push the bullying accusations at her own funeral? In other words her husband politicised funeral

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