
Report sensitive media

If you encounter media in Tweets that you believe should be treated as sensitive under Twitter’s media policy, please report it using the process described below.

How to report media in Tweets

  1. Navigate to the Tweet you’d like to report on twitter.com or from the Twitter for iOS or Android app.
  2. Click or tap the  icon. 
  3. Select Report Tweet.
  4. Select It displays a sensitive image.
  5. Next we’ll provide recommendations for additional actions you can take to improve your Twitter experience.

Please remember that if you are seeing something you don’t like, and Twitter hasn’t placed a warning label before it, it’s possible that it doesn’t meet our threshold for a warning on the media.

What happens to sensitive media I report?

Twitter reviews reports of media flagged by users to determine if that media requires a warning message in order to comply with Twitter’s media policies. Please remember that by flagging media you are bringing it to the attention of the Twitter team. The flagged content will not automatically receive a warning message or be removed from the site.

For information about what you can do if your content is reported as sensitive, see Twitter's media policy.

View instructions for:

How to control whether you see sensitive media in Tweets

Adjust your Tweet media settings by logging in to twitter.com. View instructions for twitter.com by selecting the desktop computer icon. 

How to control whether you see sensitive media in Tweets

  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon  or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have, and select Settings and privacy.
  2. Tap Privacy and safety.
  3. Under Safety, check the box next to Display media that may contain sensitive content.

How to control whether you see sensitive media in Tweets

  1. Log in to twitter.com and go to your Privacy and safety settings.
  2. Look for the Tweet media section and check the box next to Display media that may contain sensitive content.
  3. Save your settings at the bottom of the page.

Note: You can also unfollow or block accounts that are disrupting your Twitter experience.

How to report content that is illegal or otherwise violates the Twitter Rules

For information outlining other types of violations and how you can report them to us, please see this article about how to report violations.

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