Category Topics


Announcements about the Twitter Developer Platform, covering specific technical changes, and advisories such as feature deprecations, bug fixes, and API changes.

Developer Feedback

Obtaining feedback from our developer community is incredibly important to Twitter. Quite frequently, we have exact use cases or needs that we want to discuss and we would like to share those feedback requests here.

Twitter API

This is the top-level category for the Twitter API v2 Early Access, Standard v1.1, Premium v1.1, and Media APIs. Please post in the appropriate subcategory.

Advertiser Tools and APIs

The Twitter Ads API gives developers a way to programmatically integrate Twitter advertising data in their product. This is the place for developers to ask questions related to the Advertiser API and the Mopub SDK.

Publisher Tools

Twitter’s Publisher Platform provides tools to enable you to use Twitter content and functionality in your websites and apps, and present your own content on Twitter through Cards.

Academic Research

Twitter data can help academic researchers analyze and understand what’s happening around the world. Use this category to have conversations about using Twitter data for academic research projects.

Twitter Developer Labs

Twitter Developer Labs is a program that gives developers access to early previews of the next generation of the Twitter APIs so you can test and share feedback before we finalize our product approach.

Libraries and SDKs

Code libraries and SDKs can help developers to get started with the Twitter APIs more quickly. Use this category to ask questions related to building new libraries, or to announce any new libraries that could be included in the Twitter Developer documentation.

Developer Portal

The Developer Portal is a self-serve tool that developers can use to manage their API access and their Twitter apps.

Security & authorization (OAuth)

Troubleshooting, insights, and discussion on OAuth, authentication, authorization, the permission model, and signing requests.

Rules and Policies

Questions and conversations about Twitter’s rules and policies for developers using the platform and APIs.


This category is for announcements of events that the @TwitterDev team are attending, and also news about the #TapIntoTwitter Developer Community meetups.