1.800.944.4773 1.800.944.4773

Help for Moms

We are glad you’re here. We want you to know you are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.

Call or Text our HelpLine

You are not alone and you are not to blame. PSI is here to help. You will get better.

Call 1-800-944-4773 (4PPD)
English and Spanish

Text English: 800-944-4773

Text Spanish: 971-420-0294

Available 24 hours a day, you will be asked to leave a confidential message and a trained and caring volunteer will return your call or text. They will listen, answer questions, offer encouragement and connect you with local resources as needed.


Visit the PSI online directory of qualified perinatal mental health professionals.  Moms, families, and providers can now quickly and easily identify trained perinatal mental health providers in their area.

Find Providers now: https://psidirectory.com/

Connect with a PSI Support Coordinator

We have more than 300 local Support Coordinators who provide support, information, encouragement, and connection with local providers and support groups.

View our support map and find help HERE

Join an Online Meeting


PSI Online Support Group Meetings. Led by trained PSI facilitators, our online groups will connect you with other parents and provide helpful tools and resources. Whether you are going through stress, adjustment to parenting, Baby Blues, or pregnancy or postpartum depression/anxiety, our groups are here for you.

Register for any of our groups HERE.


Chat with an Expert

Join our weekly call and talk with a PSI expert about symptoms, resources, treatment options and more. There is no need to pre-register or give your name. These sessions are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals and open to anyone with questions and concerns.

Check it out and get call info here. 

**We also offer chats for dads. Click HERE.**

Join our Peer Mentor Program

Receive dedicated support from a parent who has been in your shoes.

Coping with the mental health challenges during pregnancy and after the birth of your child can feel isolating. Join us today to be paired with a Mentor who’s walked in your shoes. You don’t have to do this alone.

Learn more about the peer mentor program here.

facebook logoFind us on Facebook

The PSI Facebook page offers news on postpartum mental health, information on upcoming PSI services and inspirational quotes and support.
Like us HERE.

PSI also moderates a closed Facebook group, where you can connect with other moms, share your questions and concerns, get peer support, and offer your support to others. A closed group simply means that our administrator approves your request to join and posts are not visible to the public, only to members of the group.

Join the group HERE.

Join our PPD Forum (Smart Patients)

smart patientWe’ve partnered with @smartpatientscommunity, an online forum for women affected by #PPD. You can join the community for free to share, interact, and learn from peers in a safe, supportive environment. 


Visit the PPD Smart Patients forum: www.smartpatients.com/psi

Postpartum Support International.