
COVID-19 cases continue to increase nationwide with 79% of jurisdictions reporting an increase in cases. Average daily cases in the last 7 days went up 20% from the previous 7 days. The highest increases in cases were seen in rural areas. Do your part to slow the spread. Make these healthy habits part of your daily routine:
- Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Stay 6 feet from others.
See more COVID-19 data here:

Image may contain: text that says 'U.S. COVID-19 Cases in the Last 7 Days By State and Jurisdiction LATEST DATA OF NOVEMBER 3, 2020 Territories AS FSM GU MP PR PW RMI 0-1,258 Cases reported October 28 through November 3, 2020 2,612 4,193 4,892 7,416 7,808 11,804 14,721 24,657 29,382 46,063 CDC'

A new CDC report looking at possible workplace exposures to COVID-19 found employed adults who tested positive for COVID-19 were less likely to report teleworking than people who regularly went to an office or school in person. Providing the option to work from home or telework when possible can help slow the spread of COVID-19. Read more:

Image may contain: text that says 'Employers, promote teleworking when possible to reduce workplace exposures to COVID-19 Employed adults who tested positive for COVID-19 were almost twice as likely to report regularly going to a workplace* than those who tested negative When telework isn't possible, implementing worker safety measures can help protect employees and the community *Employed adults reported going nto office/school regularly working from home teleworking symptomatic people positive 2t = 20) negative tests ก=128) CDC.GOV MMWR'
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