1.800.944.4773 1.800.944.4773

Specialized Support Coordinators


PSI offers support, information, and resources to these specialized populations: Families impacted by Postpartum Psychosis, Adoptive Parents, Birth Mothers, Dads, Grandparents, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Maternal Near Miss Survivors, Military Families, NICU parents, Spanish-Speaking Families, and Arabic-speaking families. We have developed the specialized coordinators in response to a growing number of requests from families. Specialized Coordinators work in conjunction with local PSI Support Coordinators to offer support and resources.

Postpartum Psychosis Support Coordinators:

Michele and Felice provide support and assistance to women and families of women who are experiencing a postpartum psychosis but who do not need emergency support.

Michele Davidson

Felice Reddy
919-213-0537 (call or text)

Adoptive Parents Coordinator:

Mood and Anxiety Disorders during the postpartum period are experienced by more than just a birthing parent.  Parents who have adopted a baby/child can experience challenges with mood and anxiety as well.  PSI has a Specialized Coordinator who has special knowledge and understanding of the difficulties these parents may be experiencing. We invite them to reach out to Lindsay.
Lindsay Conover
732-646-5156 (call or text)

Birth Mothers Coordinator:

PSI has a Specialized Coordinator dedicated to birth moms who are having a hard time, either with the birth and relinquishment of their baby or with subsequent pregnancies.  If you are a birth mom who needs help please, reach out to Maureen:
Maureen Fura
831-920-7907 (call or text)
Maureen offers support in both English and Spanish.

Dads Coordinator:

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders are not only experienced by moms, and PSI’s Specialized Coordinator for Dads provides understanding and support for fathers who are struggling.

Joshua Maze
317-721-1359 (call or text)

Feeding Coordinator:

Complications with feeding are not a cause of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, but can absolutely make the postpartum period much more difficult. Our Specialized Coordinator for parents navigating feeding concerns related to chest/breastfeeding, prematurity, and other medical conditions can provide support that recognizes every journey is different.

Courtney Williams
816-519-9889 (call or text)


Grandparents Coordinator:

Some grandparents will experience a recurrence of a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder after the birth of her or his grandchild. PSI’s Specialized Coordinator for Grandparents provides understanding and support for grandparents who find themselves struggling.

Jane Honikman
805-967-9757  (call)
805-252-6226  (text)

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Coordinator:

Pregnancy can come with rather unpleasant symptoms. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. This is not simply “bad morning sickness”, but it is all too often minimized or left undiagnosed.  Because this is not a common symptom, it can feel isolating and frightening. Talking to someone who has been been there can be very helpful, and our HG Specialized Coordinator is here for that exact purpose.

Lauren Harris
413-626-8958 (call or text)

Maternal Near Miss Coordinators:

A maternal near miss is an event where a woman nearly dies due to pregnancy or childbirth related complications. The events are often unexpected and may leave the survivor feeling isolated and alone. If you, or a loved one, are a maternal near miss survivor looking for support please reach out to Tomeka or Victoria.  You may also request to join the Maternal Near Miss Survivors Support Group on Facebook, which is run by peer support volunteers independently of PSI.

Tomeka Isaac
704-966-7072 (call or text)

Victoria Hampton
204-202-0744 (call or text)

Military Families Coordinators:

PSI has Support Coordinators to support military families of several branches. Please visit our Support Military Families page for more information.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU):

The experience of having a baby in the NICU can be frightening, isolating and overwhelming.  Parents who have a baby in the NICU or are now home after a NICU stay are invited to reach out to our Specialized Coordinator for NICU parents.

Kara Hartwig
858-754-9916 (call or text)

Substance Use and Moms:

PSI has a specialized substance use coordinator that provides support to women and families of women who are experiencing a problem with drugs and/or alcohol. Whether you are experiencing substance use, misuse or abuse, this may result in feelings of shame and guilt. These feelings, along with the stigma of using substances may leave you feeling isolated and afraid to access needed resources.

Jocelyn Nikita

Teen and Young Adult Moms:

Having a baby as a teenager or younger adult can be stressful, lonely and overwhelming.  Salina works with teen moms and can provide understanding and support, as well as helpful resources.

Salina Rodriguez
Salina can assist teen mothers and their families in English and Spanish
916-585-3187 (call or text)

Support to Spanish-Speaking Families:

1-800-944-4773, #1
Llame al número de teléfono gratuito para obtener recursos, apoyo e información gratuita. Déjenos un mensaje y un voluntario le devolverá la llamada. Podrá encontrar más información y recursos en la página web de PSI. Presione en el botón siguiente.

Call the toll-free Phone line, select #1, for resources, support, and information. Leave us a message, and one of our support volunteers will call you back. We also have Online Resources on the PSI website. Click on website below.
Telephone: 1-800-944-4773, #1

Support for Arabic Speaking Families

Nadia Abdulla
Telephone: 004369911941710
Email: nadoshka2002@hotmail.com
Nadia provides email and telephone support, and can help you find resources in your country.

Postpartum Support International.