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Category - PSI Blog

Pact for the Cure

Pact for the Cure — PPD ACT by Carly Snyder, MD for PSI Blog May 8, 2017 PPD ACT™ , the largest research study on PPD and other perinatal mood disorders, aims to understand why some women get postpartum depression (PPD) and others do not. If you stand in a room filled with 100 mothers, at least…

World MMH Day

It’s World Maternal Mental Health Day by Andrea Bates for the PSI Blog May 3, 2017 Can you imagine it? Voices all over the world coming together to support women who are struggling. To help raise awareness across the globe for women everywhere who are grappling with maternal mental health. Women like you. The expectant…

Every Single Person — Thoughts for Maternal Mental Health Day

Every Single Person — Thoughts for Maternal Mental Health Awareness by Katayune Kaeni, Psy.D. PSI Blog  – May 1, 2017 Here’s a little thought experiment…. Think for a moment about a woman you really care about. It can be your mother, grandmother, wife, sister, daughter, aunt—anyone. Got her in your mind? Now imagine that she isn’t feeling…

Postpartum Anxiety – Holistic Healing

Postpartum Anxiety – Holistic Healing By Pam Marmon PSI Blog – April 26, 2017 The overwhelming smell of antiseptics choked the air as I waited for the doctor’s results in the emergency room. As nurses buzzed past my door, I found myself reconsidering if having it all is worth it. My heart was racing and…

Climb Out of the Darkness 2017

COTD Announcement Welcome to Climb Out of the Darkness 2017 PSI is excited to launch Climb Out of the Darkness 2017 and honored to continue this wonderful event.  We have collaborated with many to plan and host a Climb that is built on the great work done by Postpartum Progress and Climb Leaders through the…