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Susan A. Hickman Research Award

Deadline for the 2021 Susan A. Hickman Award is April 1, 2021

The Susan A. Hickman Memorial Research Award is given each year to an individual involved in a scholarly research project that contributes to the field of perinatal mental health. The recipient is selected by the PSI Research Committee among qualified applicants. The full award is $5000, which includes a stipend for travel to attend the annual PSI Conference.  The Hickman award will be presented at the PSI annual conference in July 2021.

Eligibility of Award: The research must be related to issues of perinatal mental health. The candidates for the research award will: 1) be a master’s, doctoral, post-doctoral or research faculty member with affiliation with an accredited institution of higher education, and 2) be or become a member of Postpartum Support International.  (Member information HERE.), 3) has not received the award in the last three years.

Submission Requirements:

  • 1) Include a cover letter including a 2-3 sentence description of how your research is novel and specifically enhances the field of perinatal mental health.
  • 2) Provide the following information on a cover page: title of proposal, author institution, mailing address and phone.
  • 3) Submit a 3-5 page summary of the proposal. Summary should include the problem statement, question/hypothesis, conceptual base/literature review, method/design, sample description, instruments/data collection approach, procedures and proposed budget outline (if funded, how will the funds be utilized),
  • 4) Submit documentation of “Ethical Approval” from the candidate’s representative academic institution. Examples of this can include documentation from your Institutional Review Board (IRB), Governance Checklist or Ethical Approval Certificate.
  • 5) Document protection of human and animal rights.

Hickman History: The idea for an annual research award was first proposed in 1994 to promote and foster the interest of beginning researchers in the conduct of scientific investigation and knowledge development about perinatal mental health and psychiatric illness. The award was named in 1997 in honor of past PSI Board member Susan A. Hickman, following her sudden death. Susan Hickman was born April 1, 1943 and passed away June 3, 1997. She was a psychotherapist who specialized in perinatal mood disorders in San Diego, CA, along with her husband Dr. Robert Hickman. Susan was an expert witness in infanticide cases and an outspoken advocate for fair and competent treatment for postpartum women. Susan and Robert attended the very first PSI conference in Santa Barbara in 1987 and hosted the 1992 PSI conference in San Diego.


All submitted applications will be reviewed by members of PSI Research Committee. The official announcement of the Hickman award will be made at the Annual PSI Conference.

PSI shall be acknowledged in any publication of research resulting from this award. Research results should be presented at a PSI Annual Conference within 3 to 5 years of receipt of the award.

Please contact the PSI main office in Portland, Oregon for further questions. Call 503-894-9453 or send an email to psioffice@postpartum.net.

Susan A Hickman Award Past Recipients

Rebecca J. McCloskey, MSW, LISW
PhD Candidate | Graduate Research Associate
The Ohio State University College of Social Work
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Postpartum Health, and Breastfeeding: A Mixed Methods Study

Sharon Dekel, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital
Can we facilitate maternal bonding and prevent postpartum psychopathology using intranasal oxytocin? A novel treatment approach

Moshe Winograd, Ph.D.
CUNY Brooklyn College
Understanding the Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth Among Those With a History of a Reproductive Trauma

Dr. Kayla Wiesner, MD, PGY2
University of Buffalo
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sisters of Charity Hospital
Buffalo, New York
Degree and determinants of maternal anxiety and depression during antepartum hospitalization for risk pregnancy

Shona L. Ray-Griffith, M.D.
Women’s Mental Health Program
Psychiatric Research Institute
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Exposure to Acetaminophen in the Perinatal Period: Quantification and Consequences

McClain Sampson, McClain Sampson, Ph.D., M.S.S.W.
Assistant Professor, University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work 
Development of an Intervention for PPD among Impoverished Mothers

Dayna J. Le Platte, MD, Psychiatry Resident, University of Michigan
Moms for Moms Project. A community-based approach designed to enrich young mom’s social support and to facilitate self-care and parenting skills. Dr. Le Platte’s project will research this innovative community program connecting at-risk mothers with trained peer supporters.

Ruth Paris, PhD, Boston University School of Social Work,”Experiences of Postpartum Depression in Military Families, A Qualitative Study.”

Kanita E. Allen, MA, MFT, “A phenomenological study of the experience of partners of women diagnosed with Postpartum Depression.”

Sona Dimidjian PhD,
“Exercise-Based Intervention for Antenatal Depression.”

Katy Backes Kozhimannil, PhD, MPA, Harvard University PhD Program in Health Policy, “Evaluating the impact of a statewide initiative on the treatment of postpartum depression among low income mothers in New Jersey.”

Peta-gay Rhinehart, RN, LPC, PhD, University of Houston, “Self-Perception of Postpartum Depression.”

Maureen L. Murphy, CNM, MSN, EdM,
 University of Massachusetts, Lowell, School of Health and Environment, Nursing Division for her dissertation on “Determinants of Nurse-Midwifery Management of Postpartum Onset Major Depression: A National Survey”

Abby Goldstein, MS, Wright State University, Ohio for her dissertation on maternal filicide.

Sandra Jolley, MS,
University of Washington for her dissertation on “Maternal adaptation in the transition from pregnancy to postpartum: focus on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and mood.

Kelly Harner, MFT, California School of Professional Psychology, Sacramento, California for her study to assess if support groups are a viable treatment approach for postpartum depression.

Janice Goodman, RN
, Boston College, Massachusetts for her dissertation on “Parental Postpartum Depression and the Family System”.

Kim Boland-Prom, MSW, Portland Oregon, for her study on whether or not working women’s reported sense of control and perceived social support in the work and family domains affect their depressive symptoms.

Yuko Leong, RN, University of California, San Francisco for her postgraduate work on postpartum depression in Japanese women in California.

Linda Amankwaa, RN, Florida State University for her dissertation on “Postpartum Depression Among African-American Women.”

Postpartum Support International.